首页> 外文期刊>Quantum information processing >Semi-quantum protocol for deterministic secure quantum communication using Bell states

Semi-quantum protocol for deterministic secure quantum communication using Bell states


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Based on Bell states, this paper proposes a semi-quantum protocol enabling the limited semi-quantum or "classical" userBob to transmit the secret message to a fully quantum Alice directly. A classical user is restricted to measure, prepare, reorder and send quantum states only in the classical basis {vertical bar 0 , vertical bar 1 }. The protocol must rely on the quantum Alice to produce Bell states, perform Bell basis measurement and store qubits, but the classical party Bob does not require quantum memory. Security and efficiency of the proposed schemes have been discussed. The analysis results show that the protocol is secure against some eavesdropping attacks and the qubit efficiency of the protocol is higher than the other related semi-quantum protocols.
机译:基于Bell状态,本文提出了一个半量子协议,使有限的半量子或“经典”UserBob直接将秘密消息传送到完全量子Alice。 古典用户仅限于测量,准备,重新订购和发送量子状态,仅在经典基础上{垂直条0&,垂直条1&}。 该协议必须依赖Quantum Alice生成贝尔状态,执行Bell基础测量并存储Qubits,但经典派对鲍勃不需要量子存储器。 已经讨论了建议方案的安全性和效率。 分析结果表明,该协议对一些窃听攻击是安全的,并且协议的Qubit效率高于其他相关的半量子协议。



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