首页> 外文期刊>Qualitative theory of dynamical systems >Quantization of Non-standard Hamiltonians and the Riemann Zeros

Quantization of Non-standard Hamiltonians and the Riemann Zeros

机译:非标哈密顿人和riemann Zeros的量化

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Relations between number theory, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics are of interest to mathematicians and physicists since it was suggested that the zeros of the Riemann zeta function might be related to the spectrum of a self-adjoint quantum mechanical operator related to a one-dimensional Hamiltonian H=xp known as Berry-Keating-Connes Hamiltonian. However, this type of Hamiltonian is integrable and the classical trajectories of particles are not closed leading to a continuum spectrum. Recently, Sierra and Rodriguez-Laguna conjectured that the Hamiltonian >/p) where is a coupling constant with dimensions of momentum square is characterized by a quantum spectrum which coincides with the average Riemann zeros and contains closed periodic orbits. In this paper, we show first that the Sierra-Rodriguez-Laguna Hamiltonian may be obtained by means of non-standard singular Lagrangians and besides the Hamiltonians H=x(p+/p) and H(x,p)=px are not the only semiclassical Hamiltonians connected to the average Riemann zeros. We show the presence of a new Hamiltonian where its quantization revealed a number of interesting properties, in particular, the sign of a trace of the Riemann zeros.
机译:数学家和物理学家的数学理论,量子力学和统计力学之间的关系,因为有人建议riemann Zeta函数的零可能与与一维汉密尔顿人有关的自伴随量子机械操作者的​​频谱有关H = XP称为Berry-Keating-Connes Hamiltonian。然而,这种类型的汉密尔顿人是可排益的,并且颗粒的经典轨迹不会关闭导致连续谱。最近,塞拉和Rodriguez-Laguna猜测Hamiltonian> / p)在其中具有动量方形尺寸的耦合常数在其中的特征在于用平均Riemann Zeros重合并含有闭合的周期性轨道的量子谱。在本文中,我们首先显示塞拉-Rodriguez-Laguna Hamiltonian可以通过非标准奇异的拉格朗日获得,除了Hamiltonians H = X(P + / P)和H(x,p)= px不是只有半熟的哈密顿人与普通的riemann zeros相连。我们展示了新的Hamiltonian的存在,其中其量化揭示了许多有趣的属性,特别是Riemann零的痕迹。



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