首页> 外文期刊>Quantum electronics >Effect of recovery time of nonlinear absorber saturated losses on the soliton pulse structure in a fibre laser with different cavity lengths

Effect of recovery time of nonlinear absorber saturated losses on the soliton pulse structure in a fibre laser with different cavity lengths


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Using numerical simulation methods, we have calculated the dependences of the pulse profile and spectrum of a ring fibre laser in the region of anomalous group velocity dispersion on the length of the laser cavity and the recovery time of the nonlinear absorber saturated losses. It is found that with increasing cavity length the laser pulse acquires a pedestal, the positions of its edges corresponding to the frequencies of the Kelly sidebands. It is shown that the finiteness of the recovery time of the saturable absorber leads to an asymmetry in the profile and spectrum of the laser pulse.
机译:使用数值模拟方法,我们已经计算了在激光腔长度的异常群速度分散区域中的环光纤激光器的脉冲曲线和光谱的依赖性以及非线性吸收器饱和损耗的恢复时间。 结果发现,随着腔体长度的增加,激光脉冲获取基座,其边缘的位置对应于凯利边带的频率。 结果表明,饱和吸收剂的恢复时间的有限度导致曲线中的不对称性和激光脉冲的光谱。



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