首页> 外文期刊>Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences >Adverse reaction reports of neuroleptic malignant syndrome induced by atypical antipsychotic agents in the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report (JADER) database

Adverse reaction reports of neuroleptic malignant syndrome induced by atypical antipsychotic agents in the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report (JADER) database


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Aim: This study evaluates reports on neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) as an adverse event associated with the use of atypical antipsychotic agents (AAA) in Japan. We examined NMS occurrence following monotherapy and combination therapy with AAA in real clinical practice using the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database. Methods: Adverse drug reaction reports associated with the use of one or more AAA or haloperidol were analyzed. The odds ratios of NMS occurrence after monotherapy and combination therapy with AAA without typical antipsychotic agents (TAA) relative to those after haloperidol monotherapy were estimated using multiple logistic regression. Results: Associated with the use of one or more AAA without TAA were 721 events of NMS in 11 071 cases. NMS occurrence after monotherapy with most AAA and their combinations had lower odds ratios than that after haloperidol use. However, the odds ratios after blonanserin monotherapy and combination therapies with quetiapine and zotepine, and risperidone and zotepine were estimated higher than 1. Conclusion: Monotherapy or combination therapy with most AAA without TAA was not likely to cause NMS as an adverse reaction compared to haloperidol monotherapy. However, blonanserin monotherapy and combination therapies with quetiapine and zotepine, and risperidone and zotepine, possibly increase the report of NMS. Our results may provide useful information for medications such as AAA that are clinically used to treat mental disorders, though further research with more data are needed to clarify this.
机译:目的:本研究评估了对神经抑制性恶性综合征(NMS)的报告作为与日本在日本使用非典型抗精神病药物(AAA)相关的不良事件。通过使用日本不利药物事件报告数据库,在实际临床实践中检查单疗法和AAA的组合治疗后,我们检查了NMS发生。方法:分析了与使用一种或多种AAA或氟哌啶醇相关的不利药物反应报告。使用多元逻辑回归估计了多种逻辑回归估算单药治疗后单药治疗和AAA组合疗法的单药治疗和组合治疗的差异靶向无典型的抗精神病药(TAA)。结果:在11 071案件中使用没有TAA的一个或多个AAA的使用,在NMS中的721个事件。 NMS发生在大多数AAA的单一疗法和它们的组合后的可能性比卤代洛尼酚使用后的比例较低。然而,估计与喹甲醛和Zotepine的二氧化碳单疗法和联合疗法后的差距和血红腺素和Zotepine的组合比率高于1.结论:与氟哌啶醇相比,单药治疗或大多数AAA的组合治疗不太可能导致NMS作为不良反应。单药治疗。然而,Blonanserin单疗法和组合疗法与喹诗堇和Zotepine,以及Risperidone和Zotepine,可能会增加NMS的报告。我们的结果可以为临床上用于治疗精神障碍的AAA等药物提供有用的信息,但是需要进一步研究更多数据来澄清这一点。



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