首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Preschool Intervention Can Promote Sustained Growth in the Executive-Function Skills of Children Exhibiting Early Deficits

Preschool Intervention Can Promote Sustained Growth in the Executive-Function Skills of Children Exhibiting Early Deficits


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This study examined the effects of the Head Start Research-Based, Developmentally Informed (REDI) preschool intervention on growth in children's executive-function (EF) skills from preschool through third grade. Across 25 Head Start centers, each of 44 classrooms was randomly assigned either to an intervention group, which received enhanced social-emotional and language-literacy components, or to a usual-practice control group. Four-year-old children (N = 356; 25% African American, 17% Latino, 58% European American; 54% girls) were followed for 5 years, and EF skills were assessed annually. Latent-class growth analysis identified high, moderate, and low developmental EF trajectories. For children with low EF trajectories, the intervention improved EF scores in third grade significantly more (d = 0.58) than in the control group. Children who received the intervention also demonstrated better academic outcomes in third grade than children who did not. Poverty often delays EF development; enriching the Head Start program with an evidence-based curriculum and teaching strategies can reduce early deficits and thereby facilitate school success.
机译:本研究审查了头部启动基于研究的效果,发育知情(REDI)学龄前干预学龄前的儿童行政职能(EF)技能的增长,通过三年级。在25头开始中心,44个教室中的每一个都随机分配到干预组,该组织接受了增强的社交情绪和语言识字组件,或者对通常的练习控制组。四岁儿童(N = 356; 25%非洲裔美国人,17%拉丁裔,58%欧洲美国; 54%的女孩)5年,每年评估EF技能。潜在的增长分析确定了高,中等和低发育EF轨迹。对于低EF轨迹的儿童,干预措施在三年级的效率提高了比对照组更高(d = 0.58)。收到干预的儿童也表现出比没有的孩子的三年级学术成果。贫困经常延误EF发展;通过证据为基础的课程和教学策略来丰富头部启动计划可以减少早期赤字,从而促进学校成功。



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