首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Artificial Intelligence >Exotic properties of materials and the necessity to invoke the dimension of angle (theta) and the orbital degrees of freedom of s electrons

Exotic properties of materials and the necessity to invoke the dimension of angle (theta) and the orbital degrees of freedom of s electrons


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Currently, many new materials including nanomaterials exhibit exotic properties like, mention a few, unconventional superconductivity, reduced magnetism, reduced Pauli repulsion. These exotic properties could not be explained completely with the existing quantum mechanical theories which did not take into account the dimension of angle. Now, there arises a necessity to invoke the forgotten dimension of angle, for explaining these exotic interesting properties. So far angle is considered as a dimensionless quantity even though its all time partner r is endowed with dimension. In materials, where surface plays a dominant role, this new dimension, of angle becomes an important tool for exploring their morphology and exotic properties. This new dimension of angle restores the orbital degrees of freedom to the s electrons whose orbital degrees of freedom are suppressed (l = 0). It compensates for the missed signature of s electron orbital angular momentum.
机译:目前,包括纳米材料的许多新材料表现出异国情调,提及少量,非常规的超导,减少磁性,减少保利排斥。 这些异国特性无法完全通过现有的量子机械理论来解释,该理论不会考虑角度的尺寸。 现在,旨在调用角度的被遗忘的尺寸,以解释这些异国情调的有趣特性。 到目前为止,即使它的所有时间伴侣R赋予尺寸,也被认为是无量纲数量。 在材料中,在表面起着主导作用的情况下,这种新尺寸的角度成为探索其形态和异国情调的重要工具。 这种角度的新尺寸将轨道自由度恢复到抑制其轨道自由度的轨道(L = 0)。 它补偿了S电子轨道角动量的错过签名。



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