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The International Trade Administration issued preliminary results in AdministrativeReviews of a number of Anti-dumping/Countervailing cases since the last Pipe & Tube Report.Rates will not change in these cases until published as a final release. When the rates dochange, they are effective for the period covered by the Review. The cases include: AD - CertainOCTG from Korea – SeAH 17.04%, Hyundai – 0.77%, Non-examined companies – 13.16%; AD -Certain OCTG from Vietnam – SeAH Steel VINA Corp/Pusan Pipe America – 1.78%; AD – HeavyWalled Rectangular Carbon Steel Pipes & Tubes from Mexico – Maquilacero SA de CV 4.08%,Productos Laminados de Monterrey SA de CV 0.8%, Arco Metal, Forza Steel, IndustriasMonterrey, and Perfiles y Herrajes LM 1.85%; AD – Light walled Rectangular Pipe & Tube fromMexico – multiple producers 3.29%, Maquilacero SA de CV 2.48%; AD – Heavy WalledRectangular Carbon Steel Pipes & Tubes from Mexico – Dong-A Steel Co 53.8%, HiSteel Co40.40%, Kukje Steel Co 51.27%, Several other producers 43.91%.
机译:国际贸易管理局在AccessionAtivereViews颁发的初步成绩,自上次管道报告以来的一些反倾销/反补贴案件。在这些案件中不会改变,直到发布为最终版本。当汇率进行Dochange时,他们对审查所涵盖的时间有效。案件包括:AD - 宗旨 - 韩国的attyoctg - Seah 17.04%,现代 - 0.77%,未审查的公司 - 13.16%;广告 - 来自越南的Octg - Seah Steel Vina Corp / Pusan Pipe America - 1.78%;广告 - 墨西哥的重型矩形碳钢管和管 - Maquilacero Sa de CV 4.08%,Productos Laminados de Monterrey Sa de CV 0.8%,Arco Metal,Forza Steel,IndustriaMentery,以及穿孔Y Herrajes LM 1.85%;广告 - 光壁矩形管道和管偏离emexico - 多种生产商3.29%,Maquilacero sa de cv 2.48%;来自墨西哥的广告墙碳钢管和管 - 董钢二氧化碳钢管钢管和管道,圣杰240%,Kukje钢铁CO 51.27%,其他其他生产商43.91%。



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