
Breast cancer screening: introduction.


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In this collection of invited, peer reviewed papers on Breast Cancer Screening in Preventive Medicine, an attempt is being made to address the controversies that surfaced after the publication of the 2009 update of recommendations of the US Preventive Services Task Force on Breast Cancer Screening (US Preventive Services Task Force, 2009), together with the accompanying meta-analysis by Nelson et al. (2009) and the modeling performed by Mandelblatt et al. (2009).The main focus of the controversy was whether routine mammography screening should be recommended for women age 40-49, and whether for those screened, biennial screening was appropriate rather than annual. However, in addition, and to some extent based on other recent contributions to the literature, it is also desirable to question the systematic screening of older women, and whether such screening has realized the expectations in populations where screening programs have been introduced.
机译:在这一被邀请的邀请的收集中,对预防医学的乳腺癌筛查的纸张进行了评论,正在努力解决2009年乳腺癌筛查关于美国预防服务任务任务组织的建议更新后缺陷的争议(美国 预防性服务任务力量,2009)以及Nelson等人的伴随的荟萃分析。 (2009)和Mandelblatt等人执行的建模。 (2009)。争议的主要焦点是40-49岁的女性应建议常规乳腺X线摄影筛查,以及是否为那些筛查,两年期筛查是合适的,而不是年度。 然而,另外,在某种程度上基于其他近期对文献的贡献,还希望质疑老年妇女的系统筛查,以及这种筛查是否已经意识到在引入筛查计划的群体中的期望。



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