首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >How many 'Get Screened' messages does it take? Evidence from colorectal cancer screening promotion in the United States, 2012

How many 'Get Screened' messages does it take? Evidence from colorectal cancer screening promotion in the United States, 2012

机译:需要多少“获得屏幕”消息? 来自美国的结肠直肠癌筛选促进的证据,2012年

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Objective. Colorectal cancer screening has been widely promoted in the United States. We investigated the association between reported exposure to screening information during the past year and screening participation and knowledge.Method. Data from the 2012 HealthStyles Fall survey of U.S. adults were examined using adjusted logistic regression to examine the frequency of exposure to screening information as a predictor of screening participation and knowledge; analyses were limited to participants aged >50 years with no history of colorectal cancer or polyps (N = 1714).Results. Nearly half of the participants (44.9%) reported exposure to colorectal cancer screening information during the previous year. The most common sources of screening information were news reports, advertisements, and health care providers. Screening participation and knowledge consistently increased with the reported frequency of exposure to screening information, and these associations generally persisted when demographic variables were controlled. Compared with unexposed participants, significant gains in screening participation were associated with exposure to screening information 2-3 times (Adj. OR = 1.84, p = 0.001), 4-9 times (Adj. OR = 2.00, p = 0.001), and >10 times (Adj. OR = 3.03, p < 0.001) in the adjusted model.Conclusions. Increasing public exposure to screening promotion messages may augment screening participation and knowledge.
机译:客观的。结肠直肠癌筛查已在美国广泛促进。我们调查了过去一年中报告的筛选信息与筛选信息之间的关联和筛选参与和知识。方法。从2012年HealthStyles秋季调查的数据使用调整后的Logistic回归检查了对筛查参与和知识的预测的筛选信息的频率。分析仅限于参与者> 50年,没有结直肠癌或息肉(n = 1714)。结果。参与者的近一半(44.9%)报告了前一年的结肠直肠癌筛查信息。筛选信息的最常见来源是新闻报道,广告和医疗保健提供者。筛选参与和知识始终如一地增加了报告的筛选信息频率,并且当控制人口变量时,这些关联通常持续存在。与未暴露的参与者相比,筛查参与的显着增益与2-3次(或= 1.84,P = 0.001),4-9次(ADJ。或= 2.00,P = 0.001)接触到筛选信息有关。 >调整后的模型中的10次(ADJ。或= 3.03,p <0.001).Conclusions。增加公众接触筛选促销信息可能会增加筛选参与和知识。



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