首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Rules to prohibit the use of electronic vapor products inside homes and personal vehicles among adults in the U.S., 2017

Rules to prohibit the use of electronic vapor products inside homes and personal vehicles among adults in the U.S., 2017


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Most U.S. adults have voluntary rules prohibiting the use of smoked tobacco products in their homes and vehicles. However, the prevalence of similar rules for electronic vapor products (EVPs) is uncertain. This study assessed the prevalence and correlates of rules prohibiting EVP use inside homes and vehicles. Data from a 2017 Internet-based panel survey of U.S. adults aged ≥18?years (n?=?4107) were analyzed. For homes and vehicles, prevalence of reporting that EVP use was not allowed, partially allowed, fully allowed, or unknown was assessed overall and by covariates. Correlates of prohibiting EVP use was assessed by multivariable logistic regression. In homes, 58.6% of adults did not allow EVP use, 7.7% partially allowed use, 10.1% fully allowed use, and 23.6% were unsure of the rules. In vehicles, 63.8% of respondents did not allow EVP use, 6.0% partially allowed use, 8.9% fully allowed use, and 21.4% were unsure of the rules. Following multivariable adjustment, prohibiting EVP use inside homes and vehicles was more likely among respondents with higher income and education, and with a child aged <18?years. Users of EVPs and other tobacco products, and respondents living with users of EVPs and other tobacco products, were less likely to prohibit EVP use in these locations. These findings show that about 6 in 10?U.S. adults have rules prohibiting EVP use inside homes and vehicles, but variations exist by population subgroups. Voluntary smoke-free rules in homes and vehicles that include EVPs can help protect children and non-users from secondhand EVP aerosol exposure.
机译:大多数美国成年人都有自愿的规则,禁止在家庭和车辆中使用烟熏烟草产品。然而,电子蒸汽产品(EVPS)类似规则的普遍性是不确定的。本研究评估了禁止EVP在家庭和车辆内部使用的规则的普遍性和相关性。来自2017年基于互联网的小组调查的数据≥18岁的成人调查。年龄(n?= 4107)分析。对于家庭和车辆,报告的患病率不允许,完全允许,完全允许或未知,并通过协变量进行完全允许或未知。通过多变量的逻辑回归评估禁止EVP使用的相关性。在家中,58.6%的成年人不允许EVP使用,7.7%的部分允许使用,每次允许使用10.1%,23.6%不确定规则。在车辆中,63.8%的受访者没有允许EVP使用,部分允许使用6.0%,每次允许使用8.9%,21.4%不确定规则。在多变量调整之后,在具有更高收入和教育的受访者中,禁止eVP在家庭和车辆中使用更有可能,并且儿童年龄<18岁?年龄。 EVP和其他烟草产品的用户以及与EVP和其他烟草产品的用户一起生活的受访者,不太可能在这些地点中使用EVP。这些发现表明,大约有6个10?U.S。成年人有禁止在家庭和车辆内部使用EVP使用的规则,但人口亚组存在变化。包括EVP的家庭和车辆中的自愿无烟规则可以帮助保护儿童和非用户免受二手EVP气溶胶暴露。



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