首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Racial/ethnic differences in daily, nondaily, and menthol cigarette use and smoking quit ratios in the United States: 2002 to 2016

Racial/ethnic differences in daily, nondaily, and menthol cigarette use and smoking quit ratios in the United States: 2002 to 2016


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In the United States (US), racial/ethnic groups differ in cigarette smoking behaviors. We examined changes in cigarette prevalence and quit ratios over 15 years by racial/ethnic group (Non-Hispanic (NH) White, NH Black, Hispanic, NH Other). Data were drawn from the 2002-2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) public use data files and analyzed in 2018. Linear time trends of the prevalence of daily, nondaily, and menthol cigarette use and quit ratios (i.e., proportion of former smokers among lifetime smokers) were assessed using logistic regression models. 19.35% of NH White persons were daily smokers in 2016; this prevalence was significantly higher than all other groups (NH Black 10.99%, Hispanic 6.81%, NH Other 9.10%). Menthol use was significantly more common among NH Black individuals than all other groups in every year from 2002 to 2016 (2016: NH Black 23.38%, NH White 14.52%, Hispanic 10.49%, NH Other 8.97%). From 2002 to 2016, daily and nondaily smoking decreased significantly among all groups. The rate of decline of nondaily smoking was more rapid among Hispanic than NH White individuals while the rate of menthol smoking decline was more rapid among NH White than among Hispanic individuals. The quit ratio did not change significantly from 2002 to 2016 among NH Black individuals (31% to 35%) in contrast to a significant increase among NH White (2002, 45%; 2016, 50%) and Hispanic (2002, 33%; 2016, 41%) individuals. Further progress in tobacco control for vulnerable groups may need to include innovative strategies to address these concerning trends.
机译:在美国(美国),种族/族裔群体在吸烟行为方面不同。我们通过种族/民族(非西班牙裔人(NH)White,NH Black,西班牙裔,NH over)来检查卷烟患病率和退出比率的变化。从2002-2016国家药物使用和健康调查(NSDUH)公开使用数据文件并在2018年分析。每日,Nondaily和Menthol香烟使用和戒烟比率的线性时间趋势(即,使用Logistic回归模型评估了终身吸烟者中的前吸烟者。 19.35%的NH白人在2016年是每日吸烟者;这种患病率明显高于所有其他群体(NH Black 10.99%,西班牙裔6.81%,NH其他9.10%)。在2002年至2016年的每年的所有其他群体中,Menthol在NH黑人中的使用明显更常见(2016年:NH Black 23.38%,NH White 14.52%,西班牙裔10.49%,NH其他8.97%)。从2002年到2016年,所有群体中每日和Nondaily的吸烟会显着下降。在西班牙裔白人的人中,无烟雾的下降率比白人个人更迅速,而薄荷醇的吸烟率下降比西班牙裔人群更迅速。在NH黑人中,戒烟比率从2002年到2016年没有变化(31%至35%),与NH White(2002,45%,2016,50%)和西班牙裔(2002,33%)之间的显着增加。 2016年,41%)个人。弱势群体的烟草控制的进一步进展可能需要包括创新策略来解决这些趋势。



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