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Microbial loads and antibiotic resistance patterns of Staphylococcus aureus in different types of raw poultry-based meat preparations


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The hygiene status of raw chicken-meat preparations from retail outlets in North-Western Spain was investigated. Microbial counts (aerobic plate counts (APCs), psychrotrophs, Enterobacteriaceae, fecal coliforms, enterococci, pseudomonads, fluorescent pseudomonads, yeasts and molds, and Staphylococcus aureus) were determined for minced meat, hamburgers, nuggets, white sausages, red sausages, escalope, and roll-ups. S. aureus isolates were tested for susceptibility to twenty antimicrobials of veterinary and human clinical significance (disc diffusion method, CLSI). Average microbial loads (log(10) cfu/g) ranged from 2.63 +/- 0.80 (enterococci) to 6.66 +/- 1.09 (psychrotrophs). Average APCs (6.44 +/- 1.16 log(10) cfu/g) were regarded as acceptable according to EU microbiological criteria. The type of product had an influence (P 0.05) on microbial loads, samples of escalope showing the highest counts for most microbial groups. Two-thirds (66.7%) of the samples tested harbored S. aureus. All the S. aureus isolates were multi-resistant (to between three and fifteen antibiotics). The greatest prevalence of resistance was shown for ampicillin, oxacillin, penicillin G, ceftazidime, and nalidixic acid. The results of this study show that poultry-based meat preparations present high microbial loads and are a major reservoir of antibiotic-resistant S. aureus strains. This highlights the need for correct handling of such foodstuffs with a view to reducing risks to consumers.
机译:研究了西班牙西班牙西班牙西班牙零售店的生鸡肉制剂的卫生地位。测定微生物计数(Aerobic板数(APC),心理萎缩,肠杆菌,粪便大肠杆菌,荧光假单胞菌,荧光假单胞菌,酵母和模具,以及金黄色葡萄球菌的荧光剂,葡萄球菌)测定了碎肉,汉堡包,掘金,白色香肠,红香肠,易易北城,和卷起。测试了金黄色葡萄球菌的分离物,对兽医和人类临床意义(盘扩散法,CLSI)的二十个抗微生物进行了敏感性。平均微生物载量(log(10)cfu / g)从2.63 +/- 0.80(肠球菌)到6.66 +/- 1.09(Psychrotrophy)。根据EU微生物标准,平均APC(6.44 +/- 1.16 log(10)Cfu / g)被视为可接受的。产品类型对微生物载荷有影响(P <0.05),易于易于大多数微生物组的最高计数。三分之二(66.7%)的样品测试了Harbored S. aureus。所有的金黄色葡萄球菌分离物都是多抗性的(到三到十五个抗生素之间)。氨苄青霉素,牛奶菌素,青霉素G,头孢唑肽和萘酸显示出最大的抗性患病率。该研究的结果表明,基于家禽的肉类制剂具有高微生物载荷,是抗生素抗性S. aureus菌株的主要储层。这突出了需要正确处理此类食品,以减少消费者的风险。



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