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Comparison of the measurements of leaf water potential between a hydraulic press and a pressure chamber in six Sahelian woody species


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The aim of this methodological study was to quantify differences between water potential measured with a pressure chamber (PC) and with a hydraulic press (HP) in six north Sahelian dominant species of the woody strata across the range of their local environmental conditions in the Malian Gourma. Mean annual rainfall is 372 mm, falling from June to September, followed by 8-10 months of dry season. The daily course of Leaf Water Potential (LWP) was monitored in 2-6 m tall healthy individuals. Water potential measured with the two instruments were statistically comparable (RA(2)A > 40%) except in A. senegal. However, the HP under-estimated LWP and revealed smaller ranges of water potential than the PC. In the Sahelian shrubs studied here, for the precise measurement of a water potential gradient in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and for inter-specific comparisons, the PC is more appropriate than the HP. However, the HP may be useful for intra-species comparison in large sampled fields, since calibrations will be checked across a wider range of dates and a large number of sites.
机译:这项方法研究的目的是量化在马里地区当地环境条件范围内,六个压力区(PC)和水压机(HP)在萨赫勒以北北部六个木本优势物种中测得的水势之间的差异。古尔玛年平均降雨量为372毫米,从6月至9月下降,然后是8-10个月的旱季。在2-6 m高的健康个体中监测叶水势(LWP)的每日过程。用两种仪器测得的水势在统计上是可比较的(RA(2)A> 40%),除了塞内加尔的A.。但是,HP低估了LWP,并且显示出的水势范围比PC小。在此处研究的萨赫勒灌木中,要精确测量土壤-植物-大气连续体中的水势梯度并进行种间比较,PC比HP更合适。但是,HP可能对大型采样区域内的物种内部比较有用,因为将在更宽的日期范围和大量的站点中检查校准。



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