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Effect of polyethylene glycol on in vitro gas production of some non-leguminous forage trees in tropical region of the south of Mexico


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The objective of the current study was to evaluate the chemical composition and the in vitro gas production (GP) of some non-leguminous forage trees in presence or absence of polyethylene glycol (PEG). Guazuma ulmifolia, Crescentia alata, Ficus glabrata, Ficus cotinifolia, Spondias purpurea, Mangifera indica, Licania arborea, Simira mexicana were collected during the rainy season, in the Bejucos locality, State of Mexico. Metabolizable energy (ME), partitioning factor (PF24h), in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD), short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and microbial biomass production (MBP) were estimated as tools to detect the adverse effects of tannins in tree foliage. The chemical composition data were analyzed in a random design, and the in vitro digestion parameters on a randomized design with 8 x 2 factorial arrangement. Chemical composition showed a wide variation (P 0.05) between species. The use of PEG increased (P 0.05) GP from the foliage of S. purpurea, L. arborea, F. glabrata and G. ulmifolia, showing activity of total phenolics and condensed tannins. Similarly, ME (5.9 MJ kg(-1) DM), OMD (354.5 g kg(-1) DM) and SCFA (2.3 mol/150 mL) increased (P 0.05); it was higher for S. purpurea, because of the PEG addition effect. The PF24h and MBP were different between species (P 0.05), and decreased due to PEG addition (P 0.05); the species with lower production was S. purpurea. It could be concluded that S. purpurea and F. cotinifolia represent important sources of fodder for livestock in the south region of Mexico.
机译:当前研究的目的是评估存在或不存在聚乙二醇(PEG)的一些非豆科牧草的化学成分和体外产气量(GP)。在雨季期间,在墨西哥州的贝朱科斯地区收集了瓜豆(Guazuma ulmifolia),新月形(Crescentia alata),无花果榕(Ficus glabrata),无花果榕(Ficus cotinifolia),紫花蒲兰(Spondias purpurea),芒果(Mangifera indica),利卡尼亚(Licania arborea),西米拉(Simira mexicana)。代谢能(ME),分配因子(PF24h),体外有机物消化率(OMD),短链脂肪酸(SCFA)和微生物生物量产生(MBP)被估计为检测单宁在树叶中的不良影响的工具。化学成分数据采用随机设计进行分析,体外消化参数采用8 x 2析因排列的随机设计进行分析。不同物种之间的化学组成差异很大(P <0.05)。 PEG的使用可增加(S urplerea),S。purpurea,L。arborea,F。glabrata和G.ulmifolia叶片的GP(P <0.05),显示总酚和缩合单宁的活性。同样,ME(5.9 MJ kg(-1)DM),OMD(354.5 g kg(-1)DM)和SCFA(2.3 mol / 150 mL)增加(P <0.05);由于PEG的添加作用,对于紫葡萄链球菌,它更高。种间的PF24h和MBP不同(P <0.05),并且由于加入PEG而降低(P <0.05);产量较低的物种是紫葡萄。可以得出结论,在墨西哥南部地区,S。purpurea和F. cotinifolia是牲畜饲料的重要来源。



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