首页> 外文期刊>Polish journal of ecology >Black cherry (Prunus serotina) invasion in a Scots pine forest: relationships between soil properties and vegetation

Black cherry (Prunus serotina) invasion in a Scots pine forest: relationships between soil properties and vegetation

机译:黑樱桃(Prunus serotina)入侵在苏格兰林林森林中:土壤性质与植被之间的关系

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Prunus serotina Ehrh. is a rapidly expanding invasive in European temperate forests, threatening native species biodiversity. Three alternative models, 'the passenger, 'the driver, and 'the opportunist' were used to determine the interactions between the invasive species, the native community, and features of the habitat. To assess the relationships between soil properties and species composition of a Scots pine forest invaded by P. serotina, we randomly selected twelve research plots in each of four stands in the south-western part of Poland. We used the phytosociological releve method and determined selected soil properties (total nitrogen, organic carbon, and pH value) in the organic and humus horizons. Based on redundancy analysis, we determined that selected soil properties explained 38% of the total variation in species composition of the Scots pine forest with P serotina, indicating that community interactions followed the 'passenger' model. At the same time, we found that P. serotina invaded via the 'driver' model, since the decrease in soil C:N ratio correlated with black cherry presence, and showed a significant impact on the floristic diversity in the invaded phytocenoses. We conclude that soil parameters seem to facilitate the invasion of P. serotina, and comprise the consequences of this process.
机译:Prunus serotina ehrh。欧洲温带森林中的一种迅速扩张的侵略性,威胁到原生物种生物多样性。三个替代模型,“乘客”驾驶员和“机会主义者”用于确定入侵物种,本地社区和栖息地特征之间的相互作用。为了评估P. Serotina侵入的苏格兰松林的土壤性质和物种组成之间的关系,我们在波兰南部的四个站点中随机选择了12个研究地块。我们使用植物遗传学Releve方法,并确定了有机腐殖质视野中的选定土壤性质(总氮,有机碳和pH值)。基于冗余分析,我们确定所选土壤属性解释了PEROTINA的苏格兰杉木森林的物种组成总变化的38%,表明社区互动遵循“乘客”模型。与此同时,我们发现P. Serotina通过“驾驶员”模型侵入,因为土壤C:N比与黑樱桃存在相关,并且对入侵的植物植物中的植物多样性表现出显着影响。我们得出结论,土壤参数似乎有助于侵袭P.Serotina,并包括该过程的后果。



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