首页> 外文期刊>Plant, Cell & Environment >Contrasting nutrient-disease relationships: Potassium gradients in barley leaves have opposite effects on two fungal pathogens with different sensitivities to jasmonic acid

Contrasting nutrient-disease relationships: Potassium gradients in barley leaves have opposite effects on two fungal pathogens with different sensitivities to jasmonic acid


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Understanding the interactions between mineral nutrition and disease is essential for crop management. Our previous studies with Arabidopsis thaliana demonstrated that potassium (K) deprivation induced the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid (JA) and increased the plant's resistance to herbivorous insects. Here, we addressed the question of how tissue K affects the development of fungal pathogens and whether sensitivity of the pathogens to JA could play a role for the K-disease relationship in barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Optic). We report that K-deprived barley plants showed increased leaf concentrations of JA and other oxylipins. Furthermore, a natural tip-to-base K-concentration gradient within leaves of K-sufficient plants was quantitatively mirrored by the transcript levels of JA-responsive genes. The local leaf tissue K concentrations affected the development of two economically important fungi in opposite ways, showing a positive correlation with powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) and a negative correlation with leaf scald (Rhynchosporium commune) disease symptoms. B.graminis induced a JA response in the plant and was sensitive to methyl-JA treatment whereas R. commune initiated no JA response and was JA insensitive. Our study challenges the view that high K generally improves plant health and suggests that JA sensitivity of pathogens could be an important factor in determining the exact K-disease relationship.
机译:了解矿物营养与疾病之间的相互作用对于作物管理至关重要。我们以前拟南芥的研究表明,钾(K)剥夺诱导茉莉酸(JA)的生物合成,并增加了植物对食草昆虫的抵抗力。在这里,我们解决了组织K如何影响真菌病原体的发育以及JA病原体的敏感性可以发挥大麦(Hordeum Vulgare CV。光学元件)的作用。我们举报了K贫瘠的大麦植物显示出叶浓度增加的JA和其他氧化哌汀。此外,通过JA-encipaction基因的转录水平定量镜像k-fakizoil植物叶片内的天然尖端k浓度梯度。局部叶片k浓度影响了两种经济上重要的真菌的发展,表现出与白粉病(Blumeria Graminis)的阳性相关性和与叶杆(Rhynchosporium Commune)疾病症状的负相关性。 B.graminis在植物中诱导JA反应,对甲基-JA治疗敏感,而R. Commune发起JA响应,是JA不敏感。我们的研究挑战了高k通常改善植物健康的观点,并表明病原体的敏感性可能是确定精确的K疾病关系的重要因素。



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