首页> 外文期刊>Plant signaling & behavior >Differential effects of light-to-dark transitions on phase setting in circadian expression among clock-controlled genes in Pharbitis nil

Differential effects of light-to-dark transitions on phase setting in circadian expression among clock-controlled genes in Pharbitis nil


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The circadian clock is synchronized by the day-night cycle to allow plants to anticipate daily environmental changes and to recognize annual changes in day length enabling seasonal flowering. This clock system has been extensively studied in Arabidopsis thaliana and was found to be reset by the dark to light transition at dawn. By contrast, studies on photoperiodic flowering of Pharbitis nil revealed the presence of a clock system reset by the transition from light to dark at dusk to measure the duration of the night. However, a Pharbitis photosynthetic gene was also shown to be insensitive to this dusk transition and to be set by dawn. Thus Pharbitis appeared to have two clock systems, one set by dusk that controls photoperiodic flowering and a second controlling photosynthetic gene expression similar to that of Arabidopsis. Here, we show that circadian mRNA expression of Pharbitis homologs of a series of Arabidopsis clock or clock-controlled genes are insensitive to the dusk transition. These data further define the presence in Pharbitis of a clock system that is analogous to the Arabidopsis system, which co-exists and functions with the dusk-set system dedicated to the control of photoperiodic flowering.



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