首页> 外文期刊>Plant Disease >Seasonal Variation in Host Susceptibility to Fusarium Canker in Young Almond Trees

Seasonal Variation in Host Susceptibility to Fusarium Canker in Young Almond Trees


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Loss of water that reduces the relative water content (RWC) of bark can occur during processing, cold storage, and planting of bare-root stone fruit trees. In California nurseries and newly planted orchards, this stress can predispose young almond trees (Prunus dulcis) to a canker disease caused primarily by Fusarium species. While reduced bark RWC contributes to disease development, anecdotal observations suggest a seasonal effect on host physiology may also influence disease severity. We evaluated the effect of season and the impact of drying and reduced RWC on susceptibility of almond branch segments excised from orchard trees (cv. Nonpareil) to Fusarium acuminatum, Fusarium avenaceum, Fusarium brachygibbosum, and Fusarium californicum sp. nov. With lesion size as the criterion, excised inoculated branch segments were most susceptible in spring, of intermediate susceptibility during winter dormancy, and least susceptible during summer and fall. Consistent with an earlier study, branches with RWC between 80 and 85% yielded lesions that were significantly larger than lesions from branches with bark that was above or below that range. However, the effect of reduced bark moisture on lesion size was only apparent in the spring. These results affirm the importance of avoiding conditions that diminish moisture status in bare-root almond trees in Fusarium canker disease management, especially during transport and planting operations in the spring, a period of high physiological vulnerability. California nurseries apply fungicides to bare-root trees prior to cold storage to reduce "mold" growth. Of eight fungicides currently registered for use on almond trees, fludioxonil (Scholar), fluopyram/trifloxystrobin (Luna Sensation), and fluxapyroxad/pyraclostrobin (Merivon) were most inhibitory to in vitro mycelial growth of F. acitininatitin. F. ovenoceum, and F. brachygibbosum. However, our almond branch disease assay did not demonstrate preventive or curative fungicide action against infections by F. acuminatum or F. avenaceum.
机译:在加工,冷藏和种植裸根石果树的过程中,可以发生减少树皮的相对含水量(RWC)的水丧失。在加利福尼亚苗圃和新种植的果园中,这种压力可以使年轻的杏仁树(Prunus dulcis)倾向于主要由镰刀菌种引起的溃疡病。虽然减少的树皮RWC有助于疾病发展,但轶事观察表明对宿主生理的季节性影响也可能影响疾病严重程度。我们评估了季节的效果和干燥的影响和降低的RWC对果树树(CV.NONPAREIL)切除的杏仁分支段的易感性,对镰刀菌,Fusarium Avenaceum,Fusarium Brachygibbosum和Fusarium Californicum Sp。 11月。随着病变的尺寸作为标准,切除的接种分支段在春季休眠期间最易感,中间敏感性,夏季和秋季最少易感。与早期的研究一致,在80至85%之间的rwc的分支产生的病变显着大于来自在该范围之上或低于该范围之上或低于该范围之上或低于该范围的分支的病变。然而,在弹簧中仅显而易见地对病变尺寸的降低的效果。这些结果肯定了避免在镰刀菌甲虫疾病管理中赤根杏仁树中水分状况下降的条件的重要性,特别是在春季运输和种植业务期间,一段高生理脆弱性。加州苗圃在冷藏储存之前将杀真菌剂涂抹在裸露的树上,以减少“霉菌”的生长。八种目前注册用于杏仁树的杀菌剂,Fludioxonil(学者),氟嘌呤/三氟叶蛋白(Luna Sensation)和Fluxapyroxad / Pyraclostrobin(Merivon)最抑制于F.Citinatitin的体外生长。 F.ovenoceum和F. brachygbosum。然而,我们的杏仁分子疾病测定没有证明对F. acuminatum或F. venaceum感染的预防或治愈杀菌剂作用。



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