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Post-purchase evaluation of U.S. consumers' preferences for chestnuts.


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A regional study of consumer satisfaction and preferences for various chestnut attributes was conducted in 2009. Surveys were distributed to five chestnut growers/sellers in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio and Illinois to accompany chestnut sales to their individual customers. Returned surveys represented consumers from 18 states, mainly the U.S. Midwest but also from the East and West coasts. The survey measured consumer satisfaction with the chestnuts purchased (by using affective, cognitive and behavioral constructs), assessed consumer's general knowledge about chestnuts, frequency of consumption and familiarity with cooking. The survey also included a choice-based conjoint analysis to evaluate the effects of origin, production process and price on consumer preferences for chestnuts. Results show that high satisfaction with chestnuts purchased increases the likelihood of future purchase. Most consumers who buy chestnuts know that chestnuts need to be refrigerated but more educational effort is needed regarding the low fat content of chestnuts as compared to other nuts and the gluten-free attribute of chestnut flour. Conjoint analysis of chestnut attributes (origin, production process and price) confirmed results of past studies. Holding other attributes constant, chestnut origin is the most important attribute influencing purchases, consumers strongly preferring locally grown chestnuts over U.S. grown or imported. Chestnuts grown organically or pesticide free were preferred over conventional production. Price also has a significant influence on the purchase decision but its relative effect was lowered when bundled with the other product attributes.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10457-011-9462-8
机译:2009年进行了一项针对消费者对各种栗子属性的满意度和偏好的区域研究。针对密苏里州,爱荷华州,堪萨斯州,俄亥俄州和伊利诺伊州的五个栗子种植者/销售者进行了调查,以陪同向其个人客户销售栗子。返回的调查代表了来自18个州(主要是美国中西部,但也来自东西海岸)的消费者。该调查测量了消费者对所购买的栗子的满意度(通过使用情感,认知和行为构造),评估了消费者对栗子的一般知识,食用频率和对烹饪的熟悉程度。该调查还包括基于选择的联合分析,以评估产地,生产过程和价格对消费者对栗子偏好的影响。结果表明,对栗子的高度满意增加了将来购买栗子的可能性。大多数购买栗子的消费者都知道,栗子需要冷藏,但是与其他坚果相比,栗子的脂肪含量低以及栗子粉的无麸质特性,需要更多的教育工作。栗子属性(产地,生产过程和价格)的联合分析证实了以往研究的结果。保持其他属性不变,栗子产地是影响购买的最重要属性,与美国种植或进口的栗子相比,消费者强烈偏爱本地种植的栗子。与传统生产相比,有机种植或无农药种植的栗子更为可取。价格对购买决策也有重大影响,但与其他产品属性捆绑使用时,价格的相对影响降低。Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10457-011-9462-8



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