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Separating competition-related factors limiting crop performance in an agroforestry parkland system in Burkina Faso


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To address tree-soil-crop interactions in the Sahel, we examined the growth-limiting factors (water, light and mineral nutrients) of Sorghum bicolor growing under trees in agroforestry parklands of Burkina Faso. Growth and yields of sorghum were measured after (1) pruning crowns of Vitellaria paradoxa and Parkia biglobosa trees, and (2) applying mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and/or phosphorus) and supplemental irrigation during normal wet cropping seasons in 2007 and 2008. Irrigation treatments led to non-significant 29% and 23% gains in grain and dry matter yields (from control values of 455 and 1,140 kg ha(-1)), respectively. The fertilizer showed variable but in general significant increases in grain and straw yields and more consistently in the height of sorghum plants. The crown pruning increased the values of these variables much more strongly, by 520% and 348% (from control, no-pruning values of 282 and 612 kg ha(-1)), respectively. The growth and production of S. bicolor were also > 56% higher under V. paradoxa than under P. biglobosa. The same trends were observed in both cropping seasons, although rainfall was much heavier in 2008 than in 2007, and the mean sorghum grain yield was approximately twice as high in 2008. The results clearly indicate that competition for light limits sorghum growth more than competition for other resources in the studied system, suggesting that parkland management should aim at either increasing light availability (by reducing tree density or pruning) or growing shade-tolerant crops under the trees. However, use of a poorly soluble phosphorus source during the first year, modest amount of water applied through the supplemental irrigation (48 mm) and the wetness of the rainy season in 2008 (which led to abandonment of the irrigation treatments and floods in the experimental plots) may have masked possible effects of the applied fertilizers and irrigation. Therefore, more prolonged analyses of the effects of fertilizers and deficit irrigation are required before robust recommendations can be made to farmers.
机译:为了解决萨赫勒地区的树-土-作物相互作用,我们研究了布基纳法索农林业公园树木下生长的双色高粱的生长限制因素(水,光和矿质养分)。在(1)修剪Vitellaria paradoxa和Parkia biglobosa树木的树冠,以及(2)在2007年和2008年正常的湿润作物季节施用矿物肥料(氮和/或磷)和补充灌溉之后,测量高粱的生长和产量。导致谷物和干物质单产分别显着增加29%和23%(控制值分别为455和1,140 kg ha(-1))。肥料显示出不同的变化,但总的来说谷物和稻草的单产显着提高,高粱植物的高度更一致。冠修剪增加了这些变量的值,分别增加了520%和348%(从对照来看,无修剪值分别为282和612 kg ha(-1))。在V. paradoxa条件下,双色链球菌的生长和产量也比P. biglobosa条件下高> 56%。在两个种植季节都观察到了相同的趋势,尽管2008年的降雨量比2007年要多得多,并且高粱的平均单产约为2008年的两倍。结果清楚地表明,对光的竞争限制了对高粱的竞争,而对光竞争的限制更大。研究系统中的其他资源,这表明公园管理应旨在提高光照利用率(通过减少树木密度或修剪)或在树木下种植耐荫作物。但是,在第一年使用了难溶的磷源,通过补充灌溉使用了适量的水(48毫米),并在2008年的雨季潮湿(导致试验中放弃了灌溉处理和洪水)地块)可能掩盖了施肥和灌溉的可能影响。因此,在向农民提出强有力的建议之前,需要对化肥和缺水灌溉的影响进行更长时间的分析。



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