首页> 外文期刊>Physics of particles and nuclei >A Conjecture on Deducing General Relativity and the Standard Model with Its Fundamental Constants from Rational Tangles of Strands

A Conjecture on Deducing General Relativity and the Standard Model with Its Fundamental Constants from Rational Tangles of Strands


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It appears possible to deduce black holes, general relativity and the standard model of elementary particles from one-dimensional strands that fluctuate at the Planck scale. This appears possible as long as only switches of skew strand crossings are observable, but not the strands themselves. Woven fluctuating strands behave like horizons and imply black hole entropy, the field equations of general relativity and cosmological observations. Tangled fluctuating strands in flat space imply Dirac's equation. The possible families of unknotted rational tangles produce the spectrum of elementary particles. Fluctuating rational tangles also yield the gauge groups U(1), broken SU(2), and SU(3), produce all Feynman diagrams of the standard model, and exclude any unknown elementary particle, gauge group, and Feynman diagram. The conjecture agrees with all known experimental data. Predictions for experiments arise, and the fundamental constants of the standard model can be calculated. Objections are discussed. Predictions and calculations allow testing the conjecture. As an example, an ab initio estimate of the fine structure constant is outlined.



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