首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Applied Mathematics >On the resonant reflection of weak, nonlinear sound waves off an entropy wave

On the resonant reflection of weak, nonlinear sound waves off an entropy wave


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We analyze the resonant reflection of very weak, nonlinear sound waves off a weak sawtooth entropy wave for spatially periodic solutions of the one-dimensional, nonisentropic gas dynamics equations. The case of an entropy wave with a sawtooth profile is of interest because the oscillations of the reflected sound waves are nondispersive with frequency independent of their wavenumber, leading to an unusual type of nonlinear dynamics. On an appropriate long time scale, we show that a complex amplitude function for the spatial profile of the sound waves satisfies a degenerate quasilinear Schrodinger equation. We present some numerical solutions of this equation that illustrate the generation of small spatial scales by a resonant four-wave cascade and front propagation in compactly supported solutions.
机译:我们分析了极弱的非线性声波的谐振反射,从弱锯齿熵波下方进行一维,非熵气体动力学方程的空间周期性解。 具有锯齿型材的熵波的情况感兴趣,因为反射声波的振荡与频率无关,与其波数无关,导致不寻常的非线性动力学。 在适当的长时间尺度上,我们表明声波的空间轮廓的复幅函数满足退化的Quasilinear Schrodinger方程。 我们介绍了这种等式的一些数值解,说明了通过谐振四波级联和在紧凑型的解决方案中的前沿传播的小空间尺度的产生。



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