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Experimental data required to support second medical use claims


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The timing of filing a new patent application always requires a judgment call to be made between securing the earliest filing date and waiting to collect enough data to ensure the claims are fully supported and enabled across their scope. In addition, it is important to ensure that the application is drafted in such a way that it is suitable for filing in various jurisdictions. The case law we have considered for the sufficiency/enablement of second medical use claims in Europe, the USA and Australia makes it clear that experimental results should be included in the application at filing, and that the results must demonstrate that the claimed pharmaceutical product could be reasonably expected to treat the claimed indication.
机译:提交新专利申请的时间始终需要在确保最早的提交日期和等待收集足够的数据以确保索赔完全支持并启用它们的范围之间进行判断呼叫。 此外,重要的是要确保申请被起草起草,即它适合在各种司法管辖区内提交。 我们考虑在欧洲,美国和澳大利亚审议的案件法,美国和澳大利亚在欧洲,明确表示应包括在申请中的实验结果,结果必须证明所要求保护的药品能够 合理预计将处理所要求的指示。



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