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Automatic Data Layout Transformations in the ExaStencils Code Generator


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Performance optimizations should focus not only on the computations of an application, but also on the internal data layout. A well-known problem is whether a struct of arrays or an array of structs results in a higher performance for a particular application. Even though the switch from the one to the other is fairly simple to implement, testing both transformations can become laborious and error-prone. Additionally, there are more complex data layout transformations, such as a color splitting for multi-color kernels in the domain of stencil codes, that are manually difficult. As a remedy, we propose new flexible layout transformation statements for our domain-specific language ExaSlang that support arbitrary affine transformations. Since our code generator applies them automatically to the generated code, these statements enable the simple adaptation of the data layout without the need for any other modifications of the application code. This constitutes a big advance in the ease of testing and evaluating different memory layout schemes in order to identify the best.



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