首页> 外文期刊>Agrarforschung >Skim milk powder and yellow mustard-meal treatment: alternatives to the chemical seed-dressing for the control of common bunt in wheat.

Skim milk powder and yellow mustard-meal treatment: alternatives to the chemical seed-dressing for the control of common bunt in wheat.


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In 5-year field trials, the incidence of common bunt (Tilletia caries) in winter wheat was strongly reduced by a seed treatment with skim milk powder: on the average untreated seeds had 52 and treated seeds 3 diseased ears per m2. In 2-year field trials Tillecur (84.8% yellow mustard-powder) was a very effective means of control: untreated seeds had 44 and treated seeds 1 diseased ear per m2. In a 5-year testing period, warm water treatment (45℃, 2 hours) was less efficious than a treatment with skim milk powder and yellow mustard-meal: untreated seeds had 52, treated seeds 11 diseased ears per m2. The chemicals gave a 100% control of the disease. The skim milk powder and the warm water treatment produced sometimes a delay in plant emergence. This delay had in general no influence on the amount of ears produced or on the yield. No delay in the plant emergence was observed after the seed treatment with Tillecur. It is concluded that the combined seed treatment with warm water (45℃, 2 hours) andskim milk powder (160 g/litre water) controlled well the seed-borne infection of Tilletia caries (common bunt), Gerlachia nivalis (snow mould), Fusarium graminearum and Septoria nodorum (damping off) in winter wheat. When the seeds are only infected withT. caries yellow mustard-meal (Tillecur 60 ml/kg seed) is a good alternative to the chemical seed dressing.
机译:在为期5年的田间试验中,通过使用脱脂奶粉进行种子处理,大大降低了冬小麦中常见的短打(Tilletia龋齿)的发生率:平均每平方米未经处理的种子有52穗,处理过的种子有3个患病的耳朵。在为期2年的田间试验中,Tillecur(84.8%的黄芥末粉)是一种非常有效的防治方法:每平方米未处理的种子有44颗,处理过的种子有1病害。在5年的测试期内,温水处理(45℃,2小时)的效果不如脱脂奶粉和黄芥末粉处理:未经处理的种子每平方米有52只,处理过的种子有11个患病的耳朵。这些化学药品可以100%控制这种疾病。脱脂奶粉和温水处理有时会延迟植物出苗。通常,这种延迟不会影响耳朵的产量或产量。用Tillecur种子处理后未观察到植物出苗的延迟。结论:用温水(45℃,2小时)和脱脂奶粉(160克/升水)联合处理种子,可以很好地控制Tilletia龋齿(普通bun),雪霉(Gerlachia nivalis)的种子传播感染,冬小麦的禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum)和夜蛾(Septoria nodorum)(阻尼)当种子仅被T感染时。龋齿黄芥末粉(Tillecur 60毫升/千克种子)是化学拌种的很好替代品。



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