首页> 外文期刊>Panminerva medica >Impact of Body Mass Index on female fertility and ART outcomes

Impact of Body Mass Index on female fertility and ART outcomes


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As the global mean Body Mass Index (BMI) is on the rise, the importance of understanding exactly how female fertility is impacted by once outlier BMI values, becomes ever more important. Studies have implicated abnormal BMI on the female reproductive system by contributing to anovulation, irregular menses, adverse oocyte quality, endometrial alterations, and hormonal imbalances. These well ultimately result in female infertility, which could complicate natural conception efforts and request considering assisted reproductive technology (ART) in such couples. With an increase in the demand for ART, it is crucial to understand what factors can be altered by the female BMI in order to maximize the opportunity for successful pregnancy. The current manuscript aimed to review the information about the effect of BMI on the female fertility and ART outcomes. The complex nature of the female reproductive system leaves space for multiple factors to adversely affect its processes. Imbalances in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis can impede efforts for couples to conceive. Leptin and estrogen are two hormones that have been implicated in regulating BMI as well as reproductive physiology. Lifestyle modifications prior to, and during ART have shown promise in enhancing fecundity. The intricacies in female reproductive system leaves much to the unknown, and often with conflicting results. Further research is required to fully elucidate what aspects of female fertility are influenced by BMI, and how the healthcare provider can facilitate successful outcomes. The current review will enable a better consultation and treatment.
机译:随着全球平均体重指数(BMI)正在上升,理解的重要性究竟是通过异常值BMI值影响的女性生育能力如何变得更加重要。研究通过促进对雌性生殖系统具有含有异常BMI,通过促进疏动,不规则的月经,不良卵母细胞质量,子宫内膜改变和荷尔蒙失衡。这些良好最终导致女性不孕症,这可能使自然概念努力复杂化,并考虑在这些夫妻中考虑辅助生殖技术(艺术品)。随着艺术需求的增加,了解女性BMI可以改变的因素是至关重要的,以便最大化成功怀孕的机会。目前的稿件旨在审查BMI对女性生育和艺术成果的影响的信息。女性生殖系统的复杂性质留下了多种因素的空间,以对其流程产生不利影响。下丘脑 - 垂体 - 卵巢轴的失衡可以妨碍夫妻对构思的努力。瘦素和雌激素是两种激素,其涉及调节BMI以及生殖生理学。在艺术品之前和艺术期间的生活方式修改表明了提高繁殖力的承诺。女性生殖系统中的复杂性留给未知,往往具有相互冲突的结果。需要进一步的研究来充分阐明女性生育能力的哪些方面受到BMI的影响,以及医疗保健提供者如何促进成功的结果。目前的审查将使更好的咨询和治疗。



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