首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Relationship of Agriculture and Food Production to the Biosphere >Grass buffer strips benefit invertebrate and breeding skylark numbers in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape

Grass buffer strips benefit invertebrate and breeding skylark numbers in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape


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The loss of non-crop habitat is often suggested to be a key driver of biodiversity decline on arable land. Grass buffer strips on cereal field edges, to reduce erosion and agro-chemical runoff into surface water, could be useful to mitigate this diversity loss as they are often assumed to provide refuge and food for invertebrates, small mammals and birds. Evidence for this idea is, however, scarce and it remains unclear whether densely vegetated buffer strips benefit biodiversity in structurally complex landscapes of Northern Europe. Here, we examined whether buffer strips affected breeding skylark Alauda avensis numbers and its main food supply (i.e. beetles Coleoptera and spiders Arachnida) on cereal fields in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape of south-central Sweden. We also examined whether buffer strip effects on skylark density depended on seasonal sward height differences between sowing regimes (spring- vs. autumn-sown) as they presumably influence seasonal invertebrate accessibility. Fields with buffer strips supported on average 0.51pl0.26 more skylark territories per hectare up to 100m into the field and boosted invertebrate activity densities compared to fields without buffer strips. These effects were most apparent early in spring, but persisted throughout the sampling period, and were similar among spring and autumn sown fields. Thus, our results provide evidence to suggest that buffer strips target multiple environmental objectives on cereal fields in heterogeneous farmland. Future research should work to identify buffer strip management practices that further increase their value to biodiversity at the local scale, and investigate how they affect farmland biodiversity in different landscape types at larger spatial scales for more efficient implementation across Europe.
机译:通常认为,非农作物栖息地的丧失是造成耕地生物多样性下降的关键因素。谷物田地边缘的草皮缓冲带可以减少水土流失和农用化学品的径流,有助于减轻这种多样性的丧失,因为人们通常认为它们可以为无脊椎动物,小型哺乳动物和鸟类提供庇护和食物。然而,这种想法的证据很少,并且尚不清楚致密的植被缓冲带是否有益于北欧结构复杂的景观中的生物多样性。在这里,我们检查了瑞典中南部异质农业景观中谷物地上的缓冲带是否影响了繁殖的云雀Alauda avensis数量及其主要食物供应(即甲虫鞘翅目和蜘蛛蛛形纲)。我们还研究了缓冲带对云雀密度的影响是否取决于播种方式(春季播种与秋季播种)之间季节性草地高度的差异,因为它们可能影响季节性无脊椎动物的可及性。与不带缓冲带的田地相比,带缓冲带的田地每公顷平均多出0.51pl0.26的云雀领地,最高达100m,并提高了无脊椎动物的活动密度。这些影响在春季初最明显,但在整个采样期间持续存在,在春季和秋季播种田间相似。因此,我们的结果提供了证据表明缓冲带针对异种农田中谷物田地的多个环境目标。未来的研究应该努力确定缓冲带管理实践,以进一步提高其在当地规模上对生物多样性的价值,并研究它们如何在更大的空间尺度上影响不同景观类型的农田生物多样性,从而在欧洲更有效地实施。



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