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Michel Jouvet: an explorer of dreams and a great storyteller

机译:Michel Jouvet:梦想的探险家和一个伟大的讲故事者

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In the late 50s Michel Jouvet discovered the presence of muscle atonia during REM sleep in cats and created the first model of REM sleep behavior disorder. He built and led in Lyon, France, the "Laboratory of Molecular Dream Science" (a merry oxymoron to silently protest against the research policy of favoring molecular biology over physiology), where in the late 80s, you could cross people who had worked on sleep in the python, tench fish, tortoise, iguana, hen, lamb, mouse, rat and cat. This brilliant physiologist was also a great storyteller with a very good sense of humor. He supported the theory that dreaming is equivalent to REM sleep (which he called "paradoxical sleep"), kept his own dream diary, and imagined that the ponto-geniculo-occipital waves during REM sleep could compose the song sheet of dreams. He wrote several books published in French on dreams and dreaming. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在50年代后期Michel Jouvet在猫的Rem睡眠期间发现了肌肉Adia的存在,并创造了第一模型的Rem睡眠行为障碍。 他在法国里昂建造和领导,“分子梦科学实验室”(一个快乐的Oxymoron默默地抗议对生理学的分子生物学的研究政策),在80年代后期,你可以穿过工作的人 睡在蟒蛇,tench鱼,乌龟,鬣蜥,母鸡,羊肉,老鼠,老鼠和猫。 这位辉煌的生理学家也是一个伟大的讲故事者,具有非常好的幽默感。 他支持梦想相当于Rem睡眠的理论(他称之为“矛盾的睡眠”),保留了自己的梦想日记,并想象在Rem睡眠期间的Ponto-geniculo-枕挥发可以构成歌曲的梦想。 他在梦想和梦中写了几本书刊上发表的书籍。 (c)2018 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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