首页> 外文期刊>South African Journal of Plant and Soil >Evaluation of mefenoxam and fludioxonil for control of Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium ultimum and Fusarium solani on cowpea

Evaluation of mefenoxam and fludioxonil for control of Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium ultimum and Fusarium solani on cowpea

机译:对Mefenoxam和Fludioxon的评估进行控制中的Rhizoctonia Solani,茄属植物镰刀菌和镰刀镰刀菌

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Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is susceptible to pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium ultimum and Fusarium solani, which cause seedling diseases in cowpea and result in low yields. Three commercial synthetic fungicides containing mefenoxam 350g ai L-1, mefenoxam 240g ai L-1 and fludioxonil 100g ai L-1, respectively, were evaluated against these pathogens on cowpea in the greenhouse following promising in vitro results. The fungicides were applied initially as a soil drench to seedling trays at planting and fortnightly as a drench according to the manufacturer's recommendations. All fungicides, except mefenoxam 350g ai L-1 in one trial, were able to reduce diseases caused by R. solani. With the exception of mefenoxam 350g ai L-1 applied to medium inoculated with F. solani, all fungicides increased seedling emergence, and dry shoot and root mass of plants, and all fungicide treatments reduced disease of seedlings grown in medium inoculated with F. solani and P. ultimum. Although all three fungicides reduced the percentage of diseased seedlings, none gave complete control of the diseases caused by the three pathogens under the trial conditions.
机译:豇豆(Vigna Unguiculata)易患病原体,如Rhizoctonia solani,茄属菌和镰刀菌菌菌,它导致豇豆中的幼苗疾病并导致低产率。含有Mefenoxam 350g Ai L-1,Mefenoxam 240g Ai L-1和Fludioxonon 100g Ai L-1的三种商业合成杀真菌剂分别在受前体外导致的温室中对这些病原体进行评估在豇豆上的这些病原体中。杀菌剂最初施用,因为根据制造商的建议,将杀菌剂作为养殖粉末种植和每两周一次作为浸液。除Mefenoxam 350g AI L-1外,所有杀菌剂在一次试验中,都能够减少由R.Solani引起的疾病。除梅芬毒蛇疫350g AI L-1外,施用于接种F.Solani的培养基,所有杀菌剂都会增加幼苗出苗,干芽和植物的根肿块,以及所有杀菌剂治疗,患有F. Solani的培养基中生长的幼苗疾病降低和P. ULTimum。虽然所有三种杀菌剂都减少了患病幼苗的百分比,但没有对试验条件下的三种病原体引起的疾病完全控制。



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