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The End of the (Research) World As We Know It? Understanding and Coping With Declining Response Rates to Mail Surveys

机译:我们所知道的(研究)世界的结束? 对邮件调查的响应率下降的理解和应对

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Mail surveys have long been a staple of social science research. Properly conducted, they can gather representative data about a population that provides important generalizations about that population. High response rates are one crucial element of this capacity to make such generalizations. Response rates to mail surveys-especially those targeting general populations-have declined substantially over the years, even when employing standard "best practices" such as carefully crafted and pretested instruments, good explanations of research purpose, and multiple contacts. Our research group has a unique capacity to speak to declining response rates, having implemented mail surveys on natural resource-related topics-using relatively similar methods-for more than 45 years. We present the results of a longitudinal analysis of response rates to 191 surveys we conducted between 1971 and 2017 (response rates and methodological specifics carefully recorded over this time), documenting the changes in response rates over the years, and the factors associated with these changes. Variables assessed include topic saliency, the nature of the sample, timing, length and complexity of the questionnaire, and others. We find that year of implementation is a strong predictor of response rate, net of these other factors. We use these findings as a base from which to engage a larger discussion about strategies that social science researchers might use, both in terms of continued modifications to mail survey approaches and in moving towards other research methods.
机译:邮件调查长期以来一直是社会科学研究的主食。正确进行,他们可以收集有关人口的代表性数据,为该人口提供重要的概括。高响应率是这种能力的一个关键因素来提出这种能力。邮件调查的答复率 - 特别是目标普通人群的税率 - 多年来已经在多年来下降,即使在雇用标准的“最佳实践”,如仔细制作和预防乐器,对研究目的的良好解释和多个接触。我们的研究小组有一个独特的能力能够与响应率下降,在自然资源相关的主题上实施邮件调查 - 使用相对相似的方法 - 超过45年。我们展示了对1971年至2017年之间进行的191次调查的纵向分析结果,我们在1971年至2017年间进行的(响应率和方法具体仔细记录的方法),在多年来记录回应率的变化以及与这些变化相关的因素。评估的变量包括主题显着性,样本的性质,调查问卷的时间,时间,长度和复杂性。我们发现,实施年份是对响应率的强劲预测因素,这些其他因素的净额。我们将这些调查结果作为一个基础,从中从事社会科学研究人员可能使用的策略进行更大的讨论,这两者都在继续修改邮件调查方法和走向其他研究方法。



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