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Outcomes, quality of life, and long-term results after pectus repair from around the globe


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The procedure introduced by Donald Nuss in 1997 at the American Pediatric Surgical Association meeting has now been adopted by pediatric, thoracic, and plastic surgeons around the globe. Since its introduction, the Nuss procedure has been the subject of intense scrutiny. More than 20 years since the original publication, medical centers from around the world have reported their experience with the procedure and robust evidence now supports its safety and efficacy.Additionally, in collaboration with psychologists in Norfolk, a methodology was devised to measure the psychosocial as well as the physical benefits of the procedure. Extensive independent multinational and multi-institutional data demonstrate repair of pectus excavatum using the Nuss procedure results in marked improvement in both physical function and body image. This report reviews the outcomes, quality of life, and long-term results of numerous centers worldwide since the introduction of the procedure.
机译:唐纳德大学1997年在美国儿科外科协会会议上由全球儿科,胸部和整体外科医生采用了1997年1997年的程序。 自介绍以来,纽斯手术一直是强烈审查的主题。 20多年以来自上出版物以来,来自世界各地的医疗中心已经报告了他们的程序与稳健的证据,现在支持其安全性和效率。另外,与诺福克心理学家合作,设计了一种方法,以衡量心理社会的方法 以及该程序的物理益处。 广泛的独立跨国和多机构数据通过NUSS程序证明了PECTUS ECHAVATUM的修复导致物理功能和身体形象的显着改善。 本报告介绍了自由手术引入以来全球众多中心的成果,生活质量和长期结果。



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