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Climatic trends associated with summerfallow in the Canadian Prairies.


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The Canadian Prairies have undergone important land use changes over the past 150 years. Beginning in the early 20th century, a significant portion of agricultural land was under summerfallow primarily to conserve soil moisture. The area under fallow grew to over 11 Mha, which constitute about 25% of Canada's cultivated land, and mostly remained at that level until 1975, subsequent to which improved land management practices led to significant reductions in areas under summerfallow. By 2001 summerfallow area had been reduced to 5.4 Mha, and future projections expect it to fall to 3.5 Mha. Numerous modelling studies and observations have shown that land use change can have a significant impact on regional and local climate. In the Canadian Prairies, these effects would likely be seen during the mid-June to mid-July period, when agricultural crops undergo rapid foliar expansion and substantial transpiration, thus contributing to significantly higher latent heat fluxes. Observations of 1976-2000 climate trends in the black, dark brown and brown soil zones of the Canadian Prairies showed that there have been substantial reductions in maximum temperature (1.7 degrees C decade-1), diurnal temperature range (1.1 degrees C decade-1) and solar radiation (1.2 MJ m-2 decade-1), as well as a corresponding increase in precipitation (10.3 mm decade-1) during the mid-June to July period. These findings are in opposition to trends that would be expected from climate change from an enhanced greenhouse effect, and suggest that there is substantial correspondence between reductions in summerfallow and changes in climate in the agricultural regions of the Canadian Prairies..
机译:在过去的150年中,加拿大大草原土地发生了重要变化。从20世纪初开始,很大一部分农业用地都处于夏季休耕期,主要是为了保护土壤水分。休耕地面积增加到超过11 Mha,约占加拿大耕地的25%,直到1975年大部分时间都保持在该水平,此后,土地管理方法的改进导致夏季休耕面积大大减少。到2001年,夏季休耕面积已减少至5.4 Mha,并且未来的预测预计它将降至3.5 Mha。大量的建模研究和观察表明,土地利用变化可能对区域和当地气候产生重大影响。在加拿大大草原地区,这些影响很可能会在6月中旬至7月中旬期间看到,当时农作物经历了快速的叶面扩张和大量蒸腾作用,从而导致潜热通量大大提高。对加拿大大草原黑色,深棕色和棕色土壤区域的1976-2000年气候趋势的观察表明,最高温度(1.7摄氏度十进制-1)和昼夜温度范围(1.1摄氏度十进制-1)已大大降低。 )和太阳辐射(1.2 MJ m-2 decade-1),以及在6月中旬至7月期间相应的降水量增加(10.3 mm October-1)。这些发现与温室效应增强所带来的气候变化趋势相反,并且表明夏季休耕量的减少与加拿大大草原农业地区气候的变化之间存在着显着的对应关系。



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