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Internal door closing habits in domestic premises: Results of a survey and the potential implications on fire safety


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It is generally accepted that keeping doors closed provides a means of protection by limiting smoke and fire spread. In the design of domestic buildings, it is therefore often assumed that occupants maintain a habit of keeping internal doors closed. The paper presents the results of an online survey to determine respondents' internal door closing habits for their domestic premises. This attracted 304 responses (250 of which were from the UK) and was then followed by a more detailed survey, attracting 26 replies, to elaborate on respondents' rationale behind their habits. The findings indicate that the overall probability that a kitchen, living room and bedroom door are closed while occupants are sleeping is 46%, 45% and 60%, respectively. It was found that the type of property, and whether respondents have children or pets, all have an influence on door closing habits. Respondents who lived in apartments were found to be up to 27% less likely to close kitchen or living room doors but more likely to close bedroom doors before going to sleep (+ 19%). In all instances, respondents with pets were typically more likely to keep doors open (ranging from 0% difference to +16%). However, when considering door closing behaviours for pet owners independent of the property type, it was found there was no statistically significant difference for bedroom door closing habits when sleeping. The analyses in this paper ultimately point towards the potential for daily household activities to take priority over the safety benefits which internal doors can provide.
机译:普遍认为,通过限制烟雾和火蔓延,保持门封闭的封闭方式提供了一种保护手段。因此,在国内建筑的设计中,常常认为占用者维持保持内部门关闭的习惯。本文提出了在线调查的结果,以确定受访者的国内房地内的内部门关闭习惯。这吸引了304个回应(其中250名来自英国),然后进行了更详细的调查,吸引26份回复,以详细说明受访者的习惯背后的理由。调查结果表明,厨房,客厅和卧室门的整体概率分别闭合,而占用者分别为46%,45%和60%。结果发现,物业的类型,以及受访者是否有儿童或宠物,所有人都对门关闭习惯有影响。住在公寓的受访者被发现,关闭厨房或客厅门的可能性较小,但更有可能在睡觉前关闭卧室门(+ 19%)。在所有情况下,具有宠物的受访者通常更有可能使门保持打开(范围从0%到+ 16%)。然而,在考虑独立于属性类型的宠物主人的门关闭行为时,发现睡觉时卧室门关闭习惯没有统计学意义的差异。本文的分析最终指出了日常家庭活动的潜力,以优先考虑内部门可以提供的安全效益。



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