首页> 外文期刊>Optics and Spectroscopy >The Shift of the Peak of a Localized Plasmon Resonance in Granulated Gold Films on the Surface of a-C:H

The Shift of the Peak of a Localized Plasmon Resonance in Granulated Gold Films on the Surface of a-C:H


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Spectra of optical density of granulated 2-nm-thick gold films deposited on the surface of thin films of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) on quartz substrates are investigated. A shift of the peak corresponding to the localized surface plasmon resonance toward the shorter wavelengths by 32 nm upon an increase in the optical bandgap of the a-C:H films from 0.8 to 2.4 eV is demonstrated. Simultaneously, an increase in intensity and narrowing of the plasmon-resonance band in spectra of gold nanostructures is observed. This fact indicates that formation of the granulated gold films on the surface of a-C:H films depends on the specific structural properties of the latter.
机译:研究了沉积在石英底物上的无定形氢化碳(A-C:H)的薄膜表面上沉积在石英底物的薄膜表面的粒状的2-NM厚金膜的光谱。 对应于朝向较短波长的峰值对应于32nm的峰值的偏移,在A-C:H膜的光学带隙的增加,从0.8至2.4eV的光学带隙的增加。 同时,观察到金纳米结构光谱中的等离子体谐振带的强度和变窄的增加。 这一事实表明,在A-C的表面上形成粒状金膜:H膜的表面取决于后者的特定结构性质。



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