首页> 外文期刊>Oncology letters >Treatment outcomes of concurrent hyperthermia and chemoradiotherapy for pancreatic cancer: Insights into the significance of hyperthermia treatment

Treatment outcomes of concurrent hyperthermia and chemoradiotherapy for pancreatic cancer: Insights into the significance of hyperthermia treatment


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Patients with locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer (LAUPC) have a poor prognosis. In addition their quality of life impaired by cancer pain and biliary tract infections. Therefore, multimodality therapy and selection of optimal treatment methods are essential for achieving prolonged survival. The present study investigated the significance of using hyperthermia concurrently with multimodality therapy to improve treatment outcomes in patients with LAUPC. In total, 13 patients receiving concurrent hyperthermia and chemoradiotherapy (HCR) or chemoradiotherapy (CR) alone for LAUPC between 2002 and 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. Of the 13 patients, 5 received concurrent HCR and 8 received CR. The chemotherapy regimens were 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in 5 patients and gemcitabine hydrochloride (GEM) in the other8. Patients who gave consent for hyperthermia treatment received GEM plus CR. The median overall survival period for all patients was 12 months and the 1-year survival rate was 55%; the corresponding values were 12 months and 57% in the GEM CR group, and 15 months and 80% in the HCR group. Univariate analyses was perfomed to identify factors predicting recurrence after treatment. The potential prognostic factors analyzed were: Age, sex, performance status, location, tumor size, the tumor marker CA 19-9, total radiation dose, chemotherapy and hyperthermia. Univariate analysis for factors associated with outcomes revealed a significant difference favoring the HCR group [relative risk=15.97 (95% confidence interval: 12.87-19.83) P=0.021]. In conclusion, hyperthermia merits active recommendation to pancreatic cancer patients who have a positive attitude toward this treatment and whose performance status is satisfactory.
机译:患有局部先进的不可切除的胰腺癌(Laupc)预后差。此外,他们的生活质量因癌症疼痛和胆道感染而受损。因此,多模治疗和选择最佳治疗方法对于实现长期存活至关重要。本研究调查了同时使用多重态疗法使用热疗,以改善LauPC患者的治疗结果。回顾性地分析了2002年至2013年间单独用于Laupc的同时热疗和化学加理疗法(HCR)或疗程(CR)的13例患者。在13名患者中,5名接受的并发HCR和8个接受的CR。化疗方案在5名患者中为5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU),另一个患者盐酸盐(GEM)。赋予高温治疗同意的患者获得GEM PLUS CR。所有患者的中位数生存期为12个月,1年生存率为55%;在GEM Cr组中,相应的值为12个月,57%,HCR组下为15个月和80%。单变量分析是为了鉴定治疗后复发的因素。分析的潜在预后因素是:年龄,性别,性能状态,位置,肿瘤大小,肿瘤标志物CA 19-9,总辐射剂量,化疗和热疗。与结果相关的因素的单变量分析显示出HCR组的显着差异[相对风险= 15.97(95%置信区间:12.87-19.83)p = 0.021]。总之,热疗对胰腺癌患者具有积极态度的胰腺癌患者,绩效状况令人满意。



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