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Large-scale weather types, forest fire danger, and wildfire occurrence in the Alps.


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In the Alps forest fires have burnt around 14,500 ha per year in the past decade. In this paper we studied large-scale (synoptic) weather patterns and the corresponding occurrence of forest fires in this complex topography. The database for our analysis comprised three main parts: a daily classification of weather types in the period 1951-2010, daily calculated forest fire danger indices at five selected stations in the Alps (1951-2010) and ten years of observed forest fires (2001-2010). Firstly we analyzed the frequency of the 11 different weather types and show that the Alps are a region where cyclonic flows in general, and westerly cyclonic in particular, are the dominating large-scale weather pattern due to their location in the westerlies of the global circulation system. Comparing the weather types with three calculated sub-indices of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (FFMC, DC, DMC) at five selected sites (representative of the different climate regions in the Alps) revealed a strong dependence of meteorological forest fire danger on flow direction and cyclonality. Cyclonic weather types were characterized by a high relative humidity and in consequence a low fire danger, while the calculated fire danger in anticyclonic weather situations was significantly higher. Furthermore, strong regional differences occurred in dependence on the flow direction. Northerly winds resulted in low fire danger north of the Alps, due to orographic enhanced precipitation, and high forest fire danger south of the Alps, because of dry katabatic foehn winds. In general, the stations in the Northern Alps showed significantly lower fire index values than the stations in the south and additionally a stronger seasonal variation with considerably higher index values in summer. Regional differences were highest for the FFMC, followed by the DMC and the DC, and could be attributed to the time lag of different forest soil layers. DMC and DC relate to a rather thick soil layer which reacts very slowly and since weather types in the Alps usually change every 7th day, drying of this deep layer is too slow to reveal significant differences between the regions. The Alpine forest fire database was analyzed on a national basis to identify correlations between observed fires and large-scale weather types. 95% of the observed fires in the EU-defined Alpine Space in the past decade occurred in the two southern countries Italy and France. This was likely due to both favorable climatic conditions and better database quality in these two countries. Unfortunately, the datasets of some regions north of the Alps (e.g. in Switzerland, Germany, Austria) were very patchy. A strong human influence on the Alpine fire regime resulted in a generally low correlation between weather types and observed forest fires. Surprisingly, many forest fires occurred in conjunction with cyclonic weather types. This could be explained by the start date of the fire which was mostly at the end of a drought period when the large-scale synoptical conditions had already turned to cyclonic. Nevertheless, most and biggest fires occurred during high pressure systems and other anticyclonic situations when the fuels were completely dry.
机译:在过去的十年中,阿尔卑斯山的森林大火每年燃烧约14,500公顷。在本文中,我们研究了这种复杂地形中的大规模(天气)天气模式以及相应的森林火灾。我们用于分析的数据库包括三个主要部分:1951-2010年期间的天气类型的每日分类,阿尔卑斯山五个选定站点的每日森林火灾危险指数(1951-2010年)和十年观察到的森林火灾(2001年) -2010)。首先,我们分析了11种不同天气类型的频率,发现阿尔卑斯山是一个总体上旋风流动的地区,尤其是西风旋风是主要的大规模天气类型,这是因为它们位于全球环流的西风中系统。将天气类型与五个选定地点(代表阿尔卑斯山不同气候区域)的加拿大森林火灾危险等级系统(FFMC,DC,DMC)的三个计算出的子指数进行比较,发现气象森林火灾危险对流向和周期性。旋风天气类型的特点是相对湿度高,因此火灾危险性低,而在反旋风天气情况下,计算得出的火灾危险性要高得多。此外,根据流向发生了很大的区域差异。偏北风由于地形上的降水增加而导致在阿尔卑斯山以北的低火危险,而由于干燥的卡塔巴特风使风在阿尔卑斯山以南的大火危险。总体而言,北阿尔卑斯山的火站指数明显低于南阿尔卑斯山的火站指数,而且夏季的季节变化更强烈,夏季的火站指数值明显更高。 FFMC的区域差异最大,其次是DMC和DC,这可能归因于不同森林土壤层的时滞。 DMC和DC与相当厚的土壤层有关,其反应非常缓慢,并且由于阿尔卑斯山的天气类型通常每隔7天就会发生变化,因此该深层的干燥太慢而无法显示区域之间的显着差异。在全国范围内对高山森林火灾数据库进行了分析,以确定观察到的火灾与大规模天气类型之间的相关性。在过去十年中,欧盟定义的高山空间中观察到的火灾中有95%发生在两个南部国家意大利和法国。这可能是由于这两个国家的有利气候条件和更好的数据库质量。不幸的是,阿尔卑斯山以北某些地区(例如瑞士,德国,奥地利)的数据集非常不完整。人类对阿尔卑斯山大火的强烈影响导致天气类型与观察到的森林大火之间的相关性通常较低。出乎意料的是,许多森林大火与气旋天气类型一起发生。这可以用大火的开始日期来解释,大火是在干旱期结束时发生的,那时大规模的天气条件已经变成了气旋。尽管如此,大多数和最大的火灾还是发生在高压系统和其他反气旋情况下,此时燃料已完全干燥。



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