首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Forest Meteorology >Water balance in afforestation chronosequences of common oak and Norway spruce on former arable land in Denmark and southern Sweden

Water balance in afforestation chronosequences of common oak and Norway spruce on former arable land in Denmark and southern Sweden


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Precipitation, throughfall and soil moisture were measured, and interception, transpiration and water recharge were estimated in four afforestation chronosequences on former arable land at two Danish locations (Vestskoven and Gejlvang) and at one southern Swedish location (Tonnersjoheden). Afforestation was performed using Norway spruce (Picea abies (Karst.) L) and common oak (Quercus robur L) at Vestskoven and only Norway spruce at Gejlvang and Tonnersjoheden. Four to five stands of different ages (5-92 years) were studied in each of these chronosequences. Hydrological fluxes were calculated using the soil hydrological model SWAP. Throughfall flux and soil water content were used for calibration of the model. The simulated water recharge decreasedwith increased stand age within 30-40 years of afforestation. This was mainly due to increased interception evaporation with age. The annual water recharge was higher below oak stands (149-192 mm yr~(-1)) than below spruce stands (107-191 mm yr~(-1)) ofsimilar age. The relative water recharge was also considerably higher from the sandy glaciofluvial soils at Gejlvang and Tonnersjoheden than from the sandy loamy till soils at Vestskoven.
机译:在丹麦的两个地点(Vestskoven和Gejlvang)和瑞典南部的一个地点(Tonnersjoheden),对前耕地的四个造林时序进行了测量,降水,穿透降雨和土壤水分,并估计了截留,蒸腾和补给水。在Vestskoven使用挪威云杉(Picea abies(Karst。)L)和普通橡树(Quercus robur L)进行绿化,在Gejlvang和Tonnersjoheden仅使用挪威云杉。在这些时间序列中,分别研究了4至5个不同年龄(5-92岁)的林分。使用土壤水文模型SWAP计算水文通量。穿透通量和土壤含水量用于模型校准。在造林30-40年内,随着林分年龄的增加,模拟的补给水量减少。这主要是由于随着年龄的增长,拦截蒸发增加了。在相同年龄的橡木林下(149-192 mm yr〜(-1)),年补水量高于在云杉林下(107-191 mm yr〜(-1))。 Gejlvang和Tonnersjoheden的砂质河床土壤的相对补给水也比Vestskoven的砂质壤土直到土壤的相对补给要高得多。



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