首页> 外文期刊>Russian Geology and Geophysics >Multiphase Hydrocarbons from Carboniferous Reservoir Rocks and Their Origin in the Donghetang Area, Western Tabei Uplift, Tarim Basin, NW China

Multiphase Hydrocarbons from Carboniferous Reservoir Rocks and Their Origin in the Donghetang Area, Western Tabei Uplift, Tarim Basin, NW China


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The Carboniferous Donghe sandstone reservoir is the most important target in the Tabei Uplift of the Tarim Basin, which contains a range of hydrocarbon types, including bitumen, heavy oil, condensate oil, light oil, crude oil, and hydrocarbon gas, and has high contents of CO2 and N-2. The origin of multiple phase hydrocarbons from Carboniferous reservoir rocks in the Donghetang area, Western Tabei Uplift, is documented in this paper based on integral analysis of the geochemistry, pyrolysis, and carbon isotopes of the bulk composition and light composition hydrocarbons. Oil-source correlations determined that the paleoreservoir hydrocarbons that formed from Permian to Triassic derived from the Lower Ordovician (O-1) source rocks and that those of the present-day reservoir that formed in the Neogene derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician (O2-3) source rocks. During the uplift episode lasting from Permian to Triassic, the hydrocarbons in the entire paleoreservoir underwent water washing, biodegradation, and bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR), resulting in residual bitumen, heavy oil, H2S, and pyrites in the paleoreservoir. The high CO2 and N-2 contents originated from volcanic degassing due to volcanic activity from Permian to Early Triassic. The present-day reservoirs underwent gas washing and evaporative fractionation due to natural gas charging that originated from oil cracking and kerogen degradation in the deeper reservoirs; this resulted in fractionation and formed condensate oil and light oil with a high wax content in the residual crude oil. Based on this research, it was concluded that the diverse hydrocarbon phases in the Donghetang area were primarily attributed to water washing, biodegradation, BSR, volcanic degassing, gas washing, and evaporative fractionation.
机译:石炭系Donghe砂岩储层是Tarim盆地的Tabei隆起中最重要的目标,其含有一系列碳氢化合物类型,包括沥青,重油,冷凝水,轻油,原油和烃类气体,并具有高含量CO2和N-2。本文根据地球化学,热解和光组合物烃的积分分析,在本文中记载了来自东塘地区的石炭系水库岩石中的多相碳氢化合物的起源。源性相关性确定,由二叠纪形成的古尔替代烃,其衍生自下奥陶器(O-1)源岩,以及在源自中部奥陶涅师(O2- 3)源岩。在隆起的浮动到三叠系中持续到三叠纪,整个古尔韦洛尔中的碳氢化合物正在进行水洗,生物降解和细菌硫酸盐(BSR),导致古尔植物中的残留沥青,重油,H 2 S和硫醇。由于二叠报的火山活性至早期三叠系,高CO 2和N-2含量源于火山脱气。目前的储层由于天然气充电而造成的天然气冲洗和蒸发分馏,从而源于深层储层中的油裂和后变形;这导致分馏和形成缩合油和轻油,在残留的原油中具有高蜡含量。基于该研究,得出结论是,东垄地区的多样性烃阶段主要归因于水洗,生物降解,BSR,火山岩脱气,气体洗涤和蒸发分馏。



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