首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Scientific Reports >Direct Rubidium-Strontium Dating of Hydrocarbon Charge Using Small Authigenic Illitic Clay Aliquots from the Silurian Bituminous Sandstone in the Tarim Basin NW China

Direct Rubidium-Strontium Dating of Hydrocarbon Charge Using Small Authigenic Illitic Clay Aliquots from the Silurian Bituminous Sandstone in the Tarim Basin NW China




Illitic clay is ubiquitous in clastic hydrocarbon reservoirs, and the host for several radiometric isotopes such as the potassium-argon (K-Ar) and rubidium-strontium (Rb-Sr) systems. This study applied the isotope-dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry technique for small samples (3–4 mg) to conduct illite Rb-Sr isotope dating of five illitic clay samples from the Silurian bituminous sandstone (SBS) intersected by five drillholes in the Tarim Basin, NW China. The 87Rb/86Sr ratio of clays is fractionated mainly by the addition of Rb during the illitization of mixed-layer illite/smectite (I/S), which is the dominant clay species in the Tarim Basin samples. The subsample-scale Rb/Sr isotope values suggest that each subsample may contain I/S particles of slightly variable degrees of illitization. Three of the analyzed samples (H6, KQ1 and TZ67) generated Rb-Sr isochron ages of 141 ± 61 Ma, 332 ± 32 Ma and 235 ± 8 Ma (errors quoted at 2σ), respectively. These results are similar to the corresponding K-Ar ages (125 Ma, 389 Ma and 234 Ma). The isotopic ages are consistent with the timing of hydrocarbon charge which varies in different drillholes as constrained by basin modelling, indicating that a closed-system behavior is attained by the hydrocarbon charge that inhibits the illitization of I/S. The Rb-Sr isotope analyses of the other two samples (YM35-1 and Q1) that did not yield isochron ages suggest the conditions for producing isochrons were not satisfied, which may be caused by disturbance of the isotope system by a post-charge hydrothermal event. The outcomes of this study show the robust potential of Rb-Sr clay subsample geochronology for cross-checking isotopic ages yielded by other systems (e.g. K-Ar system) and constraining the timing of hydrocarbon charge.
机译:碎屑烃储层中普遍存在伊利石粘土,并且它是几种放射性同位素的主体,例如钾-氩(K-Ar)和rub-锶(Rb-Sr)系统。本研究应用同位素稀释热电离质谱技术对少量样品(3-4mg)进行伊利石Rb-Sr同位素定年,测量了塔里木盆地五个钻孔相交的志留系沥青砂岩(SBS)中的五个硅质粘土样品,西北。粘土的 87 Rb / 86 Sr比主要是通过在混合层伊利石/蒙脱石(I / S)非法化过程中添加Rb来分馏的。塔里木盆地样品中的优势粘土物种。子样本规模的Rb / Sr同位素值表明,每个子样本可能包含略有变化的未饱和程度的I / S粒子。分析的三个样本(H6,KQ1和TZ67)分别产生了141±61 Ma,332±32 Ma和235±8 Ma的Rb-Sr等时年龄(误差为2σ)。这些结果与相应的K-Ar年龄(125-Ma,389-Ma和234-Ma)相似。同位素年龄与碳氢化合物充注的时间一致,该时间在不同的钻孔中受盆地建模的约束而变化,这表明通过抑制I / S非法化的碳氢化合物获得了闭环系统的行为。其他两个样品(YM35-1和Q1)未产生等时线年龄的Rb-Sr同位素分析表明,不满足等时线的条件,这可能是由于装料后热液对同位素系统的干扰所致事件。这项研究的结果表明,Rb-Sr黏土子样品的年代学潜力可用于交叉检查其他系统(例如K-Ar系统)产生的同位素年龄并限制碳氢化合物装填的时间。



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