首页> 外文期刊>Radiation Physics and Chemistry >Performance of lead and iron oxides nanoparticle materials on shielding properties for gamma-rays

Performance of lead and iron oxides nanoparticle materials on shielding properties for gamma-rays


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The objectives of this work are preparation and study of properties of some shielding materials to protect public and personnel from the effect of ionizing radiation. In the present work the increment in mass attenuation coefficients (mu m) by using Lead oxide (PbO) and/or Iron oxide (Fe2O3) nanoparticles instead of bulk lead and iron oxides was investigated. Lead oxide nanostructure was synthesized by citrate precursor method, through the reaction of citric acid [C6H7O8 center dot H2O] and lead acetate trihydrate [Pb (CH3COO) 2.3H(2)O]. Iron oxide nanostructure was synthesized by citrate precursor method, through the reaction of ferric nitrate [Fe(NO3)3.2H(2)O] and citric acid [C6H7O8 center dot H2O]. The prepared nanostructure materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Different gamma radiation interaction parameters used for radiation shielding design were computed theoretically and measured experimentally at, 295 keV, 325 keV, 609 keV, 934 keV, 1378 keV and 1764 keV gamma radiation energy using narrow transmission geometry and using High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector. Our results show that the mass attenuation coefficient (mu m) of lead oxide (pbO) nanostructure was greater than that of bulk Lead oxide, while in the case of iron oxide there is little change between nano and bulk materials.
机译:这项工作的目标是制备和研究一些屏蔽材料的性质,以保护公共和人员免受电离辐射的影响。在本工作中,研究了通过使用铅氧化物(PBO)和/或氧化铁(Fe 2 O 3)纳米颗粒代替块状铅和氧化铁的递增质量衰减系数(mu m)。通过柠檬酸前体方法合成氧化铅纳米结构,通过柠檬酸[C6H708中心点H2O]的反应和乙酸乙酸乙酸三水合物[PB(CH 3 COO)2.3H(2)O]。通过柠檬酸盐前体方法合成氧化铁纳米结构,通过铁硝酸铁[Fe(NO 3)3.2H(2)O]和柠檬酸[C6H7O8中心点H2O]的反应合成。制备的纳米结构材料以X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)为特征。使用窄传动几何形状和使用高纯度锗(HPGE),从实验和实验地计算用于辐射屏蔽设计的不同伽马辐射相互作用参数。探测器。我们的结果表明,铅氧化物(PBO)纳米结构的质量衰减系数(MU M)大于批量氧化铅的氧化铅,而在氧化铁的情况下,纳米和散装材料之间几乎没有变化。



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