首页> 外文期刊>Radiation measurements >A convenient verification method of the entrance photo-neutron dose for an 18?MV medical linac using silicon p-i-n diodes

A convenient verification method of the entrance photo-neutron dose for an 18?MV medical linac using silicon p-i-n diodes


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AbstractElectron Linear Accelerators (linacs) used in radiotherapy treatments produce undesired photo-neutrons when they are operated at energies above 10?MeV. (Neutron Contamination from Medial Electron Accelerators, 1984). These photo-neutrons contaminate the therapeutic beam and increase dose equivalent delivered to patients. In this work, the neutron entrance dose for an 18?MV Varian Medical linac was measured using passive silicon p-i-n diodes. These detectors were calibrated in separate photon, electron and neutron fields. The silicon p-i-n diode detectors have shown excellent discrimination between fast neutron and photon radiation, with sensitivity to fast neutrons being ≈4000 times higher than to photons from a60Co source in terms of absorbed dose to tissue. The neutron tissue absorbed dose was studied both on the surface and inside a cubic solid water phantom, both experimentally and also using Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations. The silicon p-i-n diodes were found to be useful for quick estimation of the fast neutron tissue dose and dose equivalent in pulsed, mixed radiation fields produced by a medical linac.Highlights?Investigation of the effect of different p-i-n diode
机译:<![CDATA [ 抽象 放射治疗治疗中的电子线性加速器(LinaCs)在10以上的能量下运行时产生不希望的光子?MEV。 (来自内侧电子加速器的中子污染,1984)。这些光子污染治疗束并增加给患者的剂量等同物。在这项工作中,使用被动硅P-I-N二极管测量18·mV Varian医用LINAC的中子入口剂量。这些探测器被校准在单独的光子,电子和中子场中。硅引脚二极管检测器在快中子和光子辐射之间显示出优异的识别,对快速中子的敏感性≈4000倍比来自A 60 CO源的光子在吸收剂量的组织方面。在实验和使用GEANT4 Monte Carlo模拟中,研究了中子组织吸收剂量,在表面和立方体固体水体系上。发现硅销二极管可用于快速估计由医用LINAC产生的脉冲混合辐射场中的快节组组织剂量和剂量等同物。 < / ce:abstract> 亮点 不同PIN二极管效果的研究



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