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Can biospecimen science expedite the ex situ conservation of plants in Megadiverse countries? A focus on the flora of Brazil.


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Increasing the number of species conserved ex situ in Megadiverse countries is a major task exacerbated by many intricate factors including: biome complexity, wide range of biodiversity and an incomplete knowledge of life cycles, reproductive strategies, adaptations and species interactions. Although, establishing safe reserves is a crucial conservation measure their security and effective maintenance can be unfavourably compromised by climate change and the risks incurred by socioeconomic instability and changes in land use. Anthropogenic impacts, non-sustainable practices and habitat erosion have motivated current international efforts which focused on Brazil as host of 'Rio+20' the United Nation's twentieth anniversary conference on sustainable development. The revised targets of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) are responses to species decline and realizing Target 8, which concerns ex situ conservation, places the heaviest burdens on countries that are custodians of the highest levels of global biodiversity. At the scientific level, ex situ conservation of endemic species in genebanks is often hindered by a lack of information about molecular genetics and problematic (recalcitrant) storage behaviors that restrict the preservation of flora native to Megadiverse countries. The potential for applying the 'Biospecimen Science' paradigm in expediting conservation in biodiversity-rich biomes is considered using Brazil as an exemplar of a Megadiverse country. The impacts of process chains on the quality of preserved plant germplasm and using evidence-based research to improve conservation outcomes, risk and quality management systems are appraised. The Biospecimen Science approach is not intended to displace conventional conservation practices but rather, to enhance their effectiveness in terms of the scale and efficiency of their scientific and technical operations.
机译:在许多生物多样性国家中,增加生物多样性国家非原生境保存物种的数量是一项主要任务,其中包括:生物群落的复杂性,生物多样性的广泛性以及对生命周期,生殖策略,适应和物种相互作用的不完全了解。尽管建立安全储备是一项至关重要的保护措施,但气候变化以及社会经济不稳定和土地利用变化所带来的风险可能会不利地损害其安全性和有效维护。人为的影响,不可持续的作法和栖息地的侵蚀激发了当前的国际努力,这些努力的重点是巴西作为联合国“ 20世纪可持续发展大会”“里约+20”的东道国。全球植物保护战略(GSPC)的修订目标是对物种减少的回应,并实现了涉及非原生境保护的目标8,这给全球生物多样性最高保管国带来了沉重的负担。在科学水平上,基因库中特有物种的非原生境保存常常由于缺乏有关分子遗传学信息和有问题的(顽固的)储存行为而受到限制,这些信息限制了原住民物种的保存。巴西被认为是一个大生物多样性国家的典范,它被认为有可能在生物多样性丰富的生物群落中应用“生物样本科学”范式来加速保护。评估了过程链对保存的植物种质质量的影响,并使用基于证据的研究来改善保护成果,风险和质量管理体系。生物样本科学方法的目的不是取代传统的保护做法,而是在其科学技术活动的规模和效率方面提高其有效性。



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