首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Forest Entomology >Ecology and management of exotic and endemic Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis

Ecology and management of exotic and endemic Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis

机译:亚洲外来和特有亚洲长角甲虫Anoplophora glabripennis的生态学和管理

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Abstract1The Asian longhorned beetle is native to China and Korea, and was found for the first time outside its native habitat in the U.S.A. in 1996, with subsequent detections being made in Canada and several European countries.2We review the taxonomy, distribution, basic biology, behaviour, ecology and management of endemic and exotic Anoplophora glabripennis, including information that is available in the extensive Chinese literature.3 This species has caused massive mortality of Populus species in China and models have demonstrated that it could become established in many locations worldwide.4Anoplophora glabripennis is polyphagous but prefers Acer, Salix and Populus, section Aigeiros.5 Although A. glabripennis adults do not disperse far when surrounded by host trees, they have the potential to fly more than 2000 m in a season.6 Volatile organic compounds from preferred host trees are attractive to A. glabripennis and this attraction is heightened by drought stress. Males and females orientate to a volatile released by female A. glabripennis and males attempt to copulate after contacting a sex pheromone on the female cuticle.7 At present, A. glabripennis is being (or has been) eradicated from areas where it has been introduced. After detection, extensive surveys are conducted and, if breeding populations are detected, at the very least, infested trees are removed and destroyed. Close attention is paid to imported solid wood packaging material to prevent new introductions.8 Standard practice to control A. glabripennis in China is to spray insecticides in tree canopies. In North America, largely as a preventative measure, systemic insecticides are injected into trees. Entomopathogenic fungi have been developed for the control of A. glabripennis, and entomopathogenic nematodes, coleopteran and hymenopteran parasitoids and predatory woodpeckers have been investigated as biocontrol agents.9 Ecological control of A. glabripennis in China involves planting mixtures of preferred and nonpreferred tree species, and this practice can successfully prevent outbreaks.
机译:摘要1亚洲长角甲虫原产于中国和韩国,于1996年首次在其美国本土栖息地外发现,随后在加拿大和几个欧洲国家进行了检测。2我们回顾了分类学,分布,基本生物学,的行为,生态学和特有的和外来的无节金线虫的管理,包括可从大量中国文献中获得的信息。3该物种在中国造成了胡杨属物种的大量死亡,并且模型表明它可以在全球许多地方建立。4 glabripennis是多食性的,但更喜欢Acer,柳属和Populus,Aigeiros节。5尽管A. glabripennis的成虫在寄主树的包围下不会散开很远,但它们有可能在一个季节飞行超过2000m。6挥发性有机化合物寄主树对A. glabripennis有吸引力,而干旱胁迫则加剧了这种吸引力。雄性和雌性倾向于由雌性A. glabripennis释放出的挥发物,雄性在接触女性表皮上的性信息素后试图交配。7目​​前,正在(或已经)从其引入区域消灭了A. glabripennis。 。发现后,将进行广泛的调查,如果发现了繁殖种群,则至少要清除和销毁受感染的树木。密切注意进口的实木包装材料,以防止新的引入。8在中国,防治A. glabripennis的标准做法是在树冠层喷洒杀虫剂。在北美,作为预防措施,系统性杀虫剂被注入树木。已开发出用于控制格氏假单胞菌的昆虫病原真菌,并已研究了昆虫致病的线虫,鞘翅目和膜翅目寄生虫和掠食性啄木鸟作为生物防治剂。9中国对格氏假单胞菌的生态控制涉及种植优选和非特选树种的混合物,这种做法可以成功地防止疫情爆发。



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