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Modelling the effects of inherited sterility for the application of the sterile insect technique


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1 The sterile insect technique (SIT) involves the release of large numbers of sterile or partially-sterile insects into a wild pest population to dilute the number of successful wild matings, with the eventual aim of eradication or area-wide suppression. General population models, encompassing a wide range of SIT types, were used to derive principles for optimizing the success of SIT, with particular emphasis on the application of partial sterility leading to inherited sterility in the F population. 2 The models show that inherited sterility can only be guaranteed to be more effective than complete sterility if matings between irradiated-lineage partners are unsuccessful. This is widely assumed but rarely examined experimentally. 3 The models allow the critical overflooding ratio, sc, to be calculated for a particular target species, suggesting the release rate required to prevent population increase. Successful eradication using SIT alone should aim for a substantially higher release rate than suggested by sc. 4 The models show that pest populations may continue to increase in the first few generations of SIT releases, regardless of release rate, as irradiated-lineage individuals infiltrate the population. This does not necessarily imply that the SIT programme will be unsuccessful in the longer term. 5For pests with overlapping generations, the models suggest that frequent small releases may be more effective than less frequent large releases, particularly when the average release rate is close to the critical threshold for success.
机译:1不育昆虫技术(SIT)涉及将大量不育或部分不育的昆虫释放到野外害虫种群中,以稀释成功的野外交配的数量,最终目的是消灭或对整个区域进行抑制。涵盖了广泛的SIT类型的一般人群模型被用来推导优化SIT成功的原理,特别强调部分不育的应用,从而导致F群体遗传不育。 2模型显示,只有在辐射谱系伴侣之间的交配不成功时,才能保证遗传的不育比完全的不育更有效。这被广泛假定,但很少通过实验进行检查。 3这些模型允许计算特定目标物种的临界溢流率sc,这表明了防止种群增加所需的释放速率。仅使用SIT成功地根除应该比SC建议的释放率高得多。 4模型显示,随着辐照谱系个体的渗透,有害生物种群在前几代的SIT释放中可能继续增加,无论释放率如何。这不一定意味着SIT计划从长远来看不会成功。 5对于世代重叠的有害生物,该模型表明,频繁的小排放可能比不那么频繁的大排放更有效,尤其是当平均释放率接近成功的关键阈值时。



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