首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Food Science >Accumulation and translocation of sparingly soluble manure phosphorus in different types of soils after long-term excessive inputs.

Accumulation and translocation of sparingly soluble manure phosphorus in different types of soils after long-term excessive inputs.


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When phosphorus (P) is applied to soils in excess of plant P demand, P accumulation takes place. By means of P fractionation, we studied the fate of P in 35 soils that had received long-term surplus P rates as fox and mink manure P (F&MM-P), considered as a sparingly soluble P source. We compared these data with those from the same soils under a more typical P management, i.e., fields amended with soluble P sources superphosphate and dairy manure (SP+DM). Fractionation of manures according to the Hedley procedure suggested limited solubility of F&MM-P, two-thirds of the F&MM-P being soluble in acid (HCl) only. In mineral soils, surplus F&MM-P accumulated for the most part as HCl-P (poorly available), whereas in organic soils accumulation occurred largely as NaOH-soluble (moderately available) and labile P. Translocation of F&MM-P was evidenced by P fractionation and by agronomic P test: subsurface soil of F&MM-amended fields contained more P than the same soils in fields amended with SP+DM. In the 35 soils that had received surplus F&MM-P, agronomic P status was classified as 'excessive' in 90% of the samples taken from the plough layer, in 75% of those from 20-40 cm depth, and in 50% of those from 40-60 cm depth. In the reference soils amended with SP+DM, 'excessive' P status was recorded for 23% of the plough layer samples and 4% of the subsurface samples. These results show that manure P which appears as sparingly soluble in P fractionation may in a longer term increase the content of labile soil P and translocate in the soil profile when applied in high rates.
机译:当磷(P)施用到土壤中的植物磷需求量超过需求时,就会发生磷积累。通过磷的分馏,我们研究了长期作为磷和水貂粪便磷(F&MM-P)被长期视为过剩磷源的35种土壤中磷的命运,它们被认为是微溶的磷源。我们将这些数据与在更典型的磷管理下来自相同土壤的数据进行了比较,即使用可溶性磷源过磷酸钙和奶牛粪便(SP + DM)修正的田地。根据Hedley程序对粪便进行分馏表明F&MM-P的溶解度有限,三分之二的F&MM-P仅可溶于酸(HCl)。在矿质土壤中,剩余的F&MM-P大部分以HCl-P的形式(很少)积累,而在有机土壤中的积累主要以NaOH可溶性(中度可用)和不稳定的P形式存在。分馏和通过农艺P检验:F&MM改良田地的地下土壤所含的P比SP + DM改良田地的相同土壤更多。在接受过剩F&MM-P的35种土壤中,从犁层采集的样本中有90%,在20-40 cm深度的样本中有75%和在50%的土壤中农杆菌P状况被分类为“过剩”。深度在40至60厘米之间的那些。在用SP + DM改良的参考土壤中,记录到23%的耕层样品和4%的地下样品的磷含量过高。这些结果表明,在P分馏中微溶的粪肥P在长期施用时可能会增加不稳定土壤P的含量并在土壤剖面中迁移。



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