首页> 外文期刊>Research journal of pharmacy and technology >Retrospective Study: Burn Injury from 2010 to 2015 in a Burn Unit-Hillah Teaching Hospital-Iraq

Retrospective Study: Burn Injury from 2010 to 2015 in a Burn Unit-Hillah Teaching Hospital-Iraq

机译:回顾性研究:从2010年到2015年燃烧伤害在烧毁单位 - 希拉赫教学医院 - 伊拉克

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Burn injury is one of the most health threatening problems in the world. We retrospectively reviewed the characteristics of burn injuries in a Burn Unit-Hillah Teaching Hospital-Iraq from 2010 to 2015. A total of 24950 patients, including 14530 males and 10420 females. Distribution of burn injuries in 2010 according to male, female and age during twelve months (January, February, march, April, June, July, August, September, October, November and December). It were 1070 (18.45%), 1281 (22.09%), 1297 (22.36%), 1429 (24.64%), and 723 (12.47%) in age group [(1-4), (5-14), (15-44), (45-64), and more than 65 years old respectively. In 2011 recorded 529 (25.49%), 513 (24.72%), 484 (23.32%), 393 (18.94%) and 156 (7.52%) in age groups respectively and recorded 178, 157, 192, 176, 166, 108, 108, 122, 178, 228, 210, 252 in January, February, march, April, June, July, August, September, October, November and December respectively. In 2012 recorded total burn injuries 2223. It were 555 (24.97%), 620 (27.89%), 526 (23.66%), 368 (16.55%), and 154 (6.93%) according to age groups respectively and 278, 224, 252, 172, 208, 87, 170, 155, 151, 140, 160, 226 according twelve months respectively. In 2013 found 796(18.17%), 1190 (27.16%), 1362 (31.09%), 737(16.82%), and 296(6.76%) according to age groups respectively and 256, 297, 343, 343, 383, 348, 372, 387, 418, 439, 402, and 393 in twelve months respectively with 3388 total burn injuries. In 2014 found 72(2.1%), 521(15.4%), 834(24.6%), 919(27.1%), 644(19%), 306(9.1%), and 92(2.7%) according to age groups respectively and 556, 475, 646, 564, 390, 53, 36, 53, 114, 155, 201, and 145 in twelve months respectively with 2459 total burn injuries. In 2015 found 23(0.9%), 208(8.5%), 539(21.9%), 864(35.1%), 674(27.4%), 151(6.1%), and 0 (0%) according to age groups respectively and 115, 68, 90, 90, 91, 115, 219, 281, 346, 331, 354, and 359 in twelve months respectively with 2459 total burn injuries. In 2016 found 0(0.0%), 265(5.73%), 916(19.18%), 1586 (34.29%), 1593 (34.5%), and 274(5.92%), according to age groups respectively and 115, 68, 90, 90, 91, 115, 219, 281, 346, 331, 354, 359 in twelve months respectively with 2459 total burn injuries.
机译:烧伤是世界上最健康的威胁问题之一。从2010年至2015年回顾了2010年至2015年烧毁单位 - 希拉赫教学医院烧伤伤害的特点。共有24950名患者,包括14530名男性和10420名女性。 2010年(1月,2月,3月,4月,六月,7月,8月,9月,10月,11月和12月),2010年伯爵伤害的分布它是1070(18.45%),1281(22.09%),1297(22.36%),1429(24.64%)和年龄组的723(12.47%)[(1-4),(5-14),(15 -44),(45-64)分别超过65岁。 2011年,分别记录529(25.49%),513(24.72%),484(23.32%),393(18.94%)和156(18.94%)和156(7.52%),并记录178,157,192,176,166,108, 108,122,178,228,210,252在1月,2月,3月,4月,6月,六月,七月,8月,9月,9月,10月,11月和12月。 2012年录制的总烧伤损伤2223.根据年龄组分别为555(24.97%),620(27.89%),526(23.66%),368(16.55%)和154(6.93%),278,224, 252,172,208,87,170,155,151,140,​​160,226根据12个月。根据年龄组,2013年发现796(18.17%),1190(27.16%),1362(31.09%),737(16.82%)和296(6.76%),256,297,343,343,383,348 372,387,418,439,402和393分别在12个月内分别具有3388次烧伤伤害。 2014年,根据年龄组分别发现72(2.1%),521(15.4%),834(24.6%),919(27.1%),644(19%),306(9.1%)和92(2.7%) 556,475,646,564,390,53,36,53,114,155,23,36,53,114,155,23,315分别为1259个月,总烧伤损伤2459个月。根据年龄组,2015年发现23(0.9%),208(8.5%),539(21.9%),864(35.1%),674(27.4%),和0(0%) 115,68,90,90,91,115,219,281,346,331,354和359分别为1259个以2459次烧伤损伤。 2016年发现0(0.0%),265(5.73%),916(19.18%),1586(34.29%),1593(34.29%)和274(34.5%)和274(5.92%),并分别为115,68, 90,90,91,115,219,281,346,331,354,359分别为2459个烧伤损伤。



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