首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Aquatic Science >Limnology of southern African coastal lakes - new vistas from Mozambique

Limnology of southern African coastal lakes - new vistas from Mozambique


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Fourteen mostly small, isolated, and relatively deep coastal inundation lakes were surveyed during the cool season (August) of 1996. No thermal or chemical stratification existed, but near-bottom hypoxia was evident in several systems. Ionic conductivity varied quite widely, but was highest in isolated systems, suggesting evaporative dominance. Low water transparency, attributable to biogenic turbidity, was reflected in high chlorophyll levels (mean = 28.3mug l-1) in most lakes. However, maximal penetration of red light in six lakes implies the influence of mineral turbidity - dystrophy being excluded by the alkaline character (pH > 8) of all 14 takes. Unusually high standing stocks of zooplankton (mean = 604mg m-2 DW), mostly small-bodied freshwater species (rotifers, cyclopoids, cladocerans) as well as larger calanoid and cyclopoid copepods were present, consistent with algal indications of eutrophy. Characteristically relict estuarine/marine fauna (a calanoid copepod, crown crab, amphipod and fish) were present in two oligotrophic lakes, including the largest - putatively a drowned-valley lake. Significant contrasts between these Chidenguele lakes and other southern African coastal lakes are evaluated and discussed. Artisanal fisheries, targetting two indigenous freshwater cichlids and a clariid, as well as an estuarine ambassid and gobiid, were active. Survey findings were used to assess the suitability of these lakes as prospective habitats for exotic grass and silver carp. As these lakes support artisanal fisheries based on indigenous taxa the need for and wisdom of alien introductions is challenged, and we call for parallel summer surveys to precede any such decision. Evidence at hand indicates the potential suitability of more lakes for silver than for grass carp, but four lakes were identified as meriting special conservation status, in view of certain unique attributes and/or values.
机译:在1996年的凉爽季节(八月),对14个大部分为小型,孤立且相对较深的沿海淹没湖进行了调查。不存在热分层或化学分层现象,但在几个系统中都出现了接近底部的缺氧现象。离子电导率变化很大,但在隔离的系统中最高,表明蒸发占优势。在大多数湖泊中,高的叶绿素水平(平均值= 28.3mug l-1)反映了由于生物浊度而引起的低水透明度。但是,最大的红光在六个湖泊中的渗透率暗示了矿物质浊度的影响-营养不良被所有14杯的碱性特征(pH> 8)排除。存在异常高的浮游动物种群平均水平(平均= 604mg m-2 DW),主要是小体淡水物种(轮虫,环足类,锁骨类)以及较大的颅骨和类环足co足类动物,这与藻类富营养化迹象相符。两个低营养湖泊(包括最大的-可能是淹没的湖泊)中存在着特征性的河口/海洋动物区系(类cal足类,足蟹,两栖动物和鱼类)。这些奇登格湖和其他南部非洲沿海湖泊之间的显着对比已得到评估和讨论。以两个土著淡水丽鱼科鱼和一个梭鱼为目标的手工渔业,以及河口的刺和戈壁鱼活跃。调查结果被用来评估这些湖泊是否适合作为异国草和silver鱼的潜在栖息地。由于这些湖泊为基于土著分类群的手工渔业提供支持,因此对引进外来生物的需求和智慧受到了挑战,我们呼吁在进行任何此类决定之前进行平行的夏季调查。现有证据表明,与草鱼相比,更多的湖泊比白草有更多的湖泊可能适合,但鉴于某些独特的属性和/或价值,四个湖泊被确定为具有特殊保护地位。



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