首页> 外文期刊>Recent patents on computer science >A Note on Periodic Drug Infusion for Treatment of Tumor: Sensitivity Analysis | Bentham Science

A Note on Periodic Drug Infusion for Treatment of Tumor: Sensitivity Analysis | Bentham Science

机译:关于治疗肿瘤的定期药物输注的注意事项:敏感性分析| Bentham Science.

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Background: Various mathematical models have been proposed for studying the growthof tumor cells under chemotherapeutic drug administration. In most of the deterministic models, thedrug is administered as per the rate equation of time.Objective: In this paper we have studied the behavior of a predator-prey model when the drug infusionrate is governed by a sinusoidal function.Method: A logistic growth model, to study the response of tumor growth to chemotherapeutic drugdosage is considered. The model has been suitably modified to introduce periodic drug infusion ratewhich is a sinusoidal function. In this paper, an extensive sensitivity analysis on the parameters, tumorcells division rate, cell kill rate, rate at which the drug becomes ineffective and the drug decayrate has been carried out to determine how these parameters affect the growth of the tumor and howthe drug accumulates in the body.Results: 1000 sets of these four parameters were randomly chosen from appropriate Gamma distributionsand corresponding curves for the number of tumor cells and average drug accumulationhave been obtained. A comparative study of drug administration at a constant rate and at a periodicrate has been done. Effect of changes in the parameters governing the drug infusion rate have beenanalyzed and how the parameters used in the model relate to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamicsof a drug has been pointed out.Conclusion: We have been able to show that controlled periodic drug infusion is a better strategythan administering the drug of a constant rate.
机译:背景:已经提出了各种数学模型来研究化学治疗药物施用下的肿瘤细胞的生长。在大多数确定性模型中,根据时间的速率方程管理。在本文中,我们研究了当药物infusionrate受到正弦函数的管辖时研究了捕食者 - 猎物模型的行为。方法:一种物流生长考虑了模型,研究肿瘤生长对化学治疗毒品蛋糕的响应。该模型得到了适当地修饰,以引入周期性的药物输液率为正弦功能。在本文中,对参数,肿瘤分裂率,细胞杀伤率,药物变得无效的速率以及药物腐烂的广泛敏感性分析,以确定这些参数如何影响肿瘤的生长以及毒品如何积累在体内。结果:从适当的伽马分布中随机选择1000组这四个参数和获得的肿瘤细胞数量的相应曲线和获得的平均药物积累。已经进行了恒定速率和期间药物管理的对比研究。治疗药物输注速率的参数的影响已经达到了已指出的药代动力学和药效学,如何指出药代动力学和药效学。结论:我们能够表现出控制的周期性药物输注是一个更好的策略施用恒定率的药物。



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