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Amazonian indigenous peoples are threatened by Brazil's Highway BR-319


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The Amazon rainforest in Brazil is under the greatest human pressure in its history. This pressure is increasing under the current presidential administration, with proposed retraction of environmental and humanitarian protections. Among these pressures are new hydroelectric dams, railways and highways. An infrastructure project with especially far-reaching consequences is the reopening of Highway BR-319 right through the heart of the Amazon Forest. The highway connects Manaus in central Amazonia to Porto Velho in the "arc of deforestation" on the southern edge of the forest. The highway crosses one of the most conserved parts of the Amazon with a large concentration of Indigenous Lands ("Terras Indigenas"). Although Brazil is a signatory to ILO Convention 169, which establishes the need for consultation with indigenous peoples and traditional communities, consultations have so far not been held. Here we argue for the need for consultation of all indigenous peoples within 150 km of any part of the highway, comprising 63 Indigenous lands and five other areas containing indigenous communities that are directly threatened by the project.
机译:巴西的亚马逊雨林在其历史中最大的人类压力下。在当前的总统府下,这一压力正在增加,拟议的环境和人道主义保护萎缩。这些压力是新的水力电压,铁路和高速公路。基础设施项目具有特别深远的后果,是通过亚马逊森林的中心重新开放公路Br-319。高速公路在南部南部的“森林砍伐弧”中将马瑙斯连接到波尔图维罗。高速公路穿过亚马逊最保守的部分之一,具有大量的土着土地(“Terras Indigenas”)。虽然巴西是国际劳工组织公约的签字人,但迄今为止,就建立了与土着人民和传统社区进行协商的必要性,迄今未被召开。在这里,我们认为需要在高速公路任何部分150公里内谘询所有土着人民,其中包括63个土着土地和五个含有该项目直接威胁的土着社区的其他地区。



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