首页> 外文期刊>Laterality >Left cheek bias for emotion perception, but not expression, is established in children aged 3–7 years

Left cheek bias for emotion perception, but not expression, is established in children aged 3–7 years

机译:左脸颊偏见情绪感知,但不是表达,在3 - 7年的儿童中建立

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As the left hemiface is controlled by the emotion-dominant right hemisphere, emotion is expressed asymmetrically. Portraits showing a model's left cheek consequently appear more emotive. Though the left cheek bias is well established in adults, it has not been investigated in children. To determine whether the left cheek biases for emotion perception and expression are present and/or develop between the ages of 3 and 7 years, 145 children (71 male, 74 female; M age = 65.49 months) completed two experimental tasks: one assessing biases in emotion perception, and the other assessing biases in emotion expression. Regression analysis confirmed that children aged 3–7 years find left cheek portraits happier than right cheek portraits, and age does not predict the magnitude of the bias. In contrast when asked to pose for a photo expressing happiness children did not show a left cheek bias, with logistic regression confirming that age did not predict posing orientations. These findings indicate that though the left cheek bias for emotion perception is established by age 3, a similar bias for emotion expression is not evident by age 7. This implies that tacit knowledge of the left cheek's greater expressivity is not innate but develops in later childhood/adolescence. ? 2015 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
机译:由于左血液由情感主导的右半球控制,情绪是不对称的。显示模型左脸颊的肖像因此看起来更加感情。虽然左侧脸颊偏见在成年人中很好,但它尚未在儿童中进行调查。为了确定情绪感知和表达的左侧脸颊是否存在和/或在3岁和7岁之间发展,145名儿童(71名男性,74名女性; M年龄= 65.49个月)完成了两项实验任务:一个评估偏差在情感感知中,其他评估情绪表达的偏见。回归分析证实,3-7岁的儿童发现左侧脸颊比右侧脸颊肖像更快乐,而年龄则无法预测偏差的大小。相比之下,当被要求为表达幸福的照片姿势时,孩子们没有显示左脸颊偏见,逻辑回归确认年龄没有预测姿势取向。这些调查结果表明,虽然左侧脸颊偏见为情绪感知的尺寸为3岁,但在7岁的情况下,情感表达的类似偏见并不明显。这意味着默认的脸颊更大的富有症状的知识并不是天生的,但在后来的童年中没有发展。 /青春期。还2015年Informa UK Limited,贸易为泰勒&弗朗西斯集团。



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